× The Hunchback of Notre Dam ×

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The Hunchback of Notre Dam is one of Disney's darker Films.

Like the novel it’s based off of, the movie is about a hunchback named Quasimodo, who grew up in Notre Dame Cathedral, raised by an archdeacon named Frollo.

Quasimodo and Frollo both fell in love with the same woman, Esmeralda.

At the end of the film, Quasimodo pushed Frollo, the villain, off the roof of the cathedral, killing him.

It’s already uncharacteristically morbid for Disney, but the original novel by Victor Hugo has an even worse ending for the protagonists.

In Hugo’s story, Frollo framed Esmeralda for attempted murder, and she was sentenced to be hanged.

Quasimodo still pushed Frollo off a roof, but it was because Frollo was laughing at Esmeralda’s hanging.

Quasi then goes to Esmeralda’s grave and refuses to leave her, so he ultimately dies of starvation there.

Hugo’s book did not end happily for anyone.

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