× Totally Spies/Inspector Gadget ×

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I have heard this rumor going around that Penny from Inspector Gadget is actually Clover from Totally Spies.

I don't know if you've seen Totally Spies, but if you need any help, just ask me.

The theory goes that MAD has a branch named (or is a sub-branch of) WOOHP in Totally Spies.

When Penny has grown up, she is placed in California under the name Clover and joins the Totally Spies trio.

I personally think this is ridiculous, but then I thought about it a bit more.

I have two conclusions, both set around the timing of each programmed.

Totally Spies is set in the mid-2000s, Inspector Gadget in the 80s.

The first is that Penny was frozen for fifteen-odd years or de-aged.

Even in these worlds, that does not make sense.

The second, however, is that Clover's mother, Stella, is Penny.

In the fourth season finale of Totally Spies, it is stated that the three girls have 'a spy gene', which all three of their mothers supposedly have as well.

So it would make sense if Penny had one.

If Penny was 12 when the series ended in 1986, in 2003 (when Clover's mother if first seen) she would be 29.

Not an ideal age to have a fifteen-year-old daughter, but possible.

Alternatively, Penny could actually have been a slowly-aging teenager, but that's beside the point.

In the third season finale of Totally Spies, the girls' mothers force them to stop being spies, but then become spies to save their daughters (long story).

But could Stella/Penny have her own personal reason to stop her daughter being a spy?

There has to be some reason why she changed her name, after all.

Maybe Gadget's dead, maybe Penny became a fugitive, maybe her life was exposed to bad people, I don't know.

But it's likely MAD made her go into witness protection and Penny became a mom.

Another connection to that theory is that Stella has at least one sibling, since Clover has a nephew.

So maybe the spy gene went to Stella and her sister, Penny.

(Clover's cousin at about ten in 2003, so if Penny is his mother, she would have become a mother at 19, just so you know.) 

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