× Barbie ( pt. 1 ) ×

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The truth behind Barbie. Avi and the Video origins.

First, I’m going to start out with the very popular and very probably explanation of what the Barbie.avi videos are meant to portray.

The whole Barbie.avi movie is reportedly forty minutes long and split up into six parts.

However, only part 1, 2, and 4 have ever been seen.

The three parts together only add up to around 20 minutes of the movie.

That means half the movie is missing.

However, no one has ever uploaded or seen the other parts.

Throughout the videos there is a woman, usually called Barbie, being interrogated or questioned.

The viewer cannot hear her because of static covering the woman’s voice.

According to the pasta halfway through the movie she begins to cry, however this footage is missing.

It is clear by watching her that Barbie is uncomfortable with her skin.

The theory kicks in at the beginning of part 4.

As the clip starts the text BIID appears in parenthesis for about a second.

BIID refers to Body integrity identity disorder which is quote “a psychological disorder wherein sufferers feel they would be happier living as an aputee. 

It is related to xenomelia, "the oppressive feeling that one or more limbs of one's body do not belong to one's self".

“Symptoms of BIID sufferers are often keenly felt.

Sufferers of BIID are uncomfortable with a part of their body, such as a limb, and feel confident that removing or disabling this part of their body will relieve their discomfort.

Sufferers may have intense feelings of envy toward amputees.

They may pretend that they are an amputee, both in public and in private.

Sufferers experience the above symptoms as being strange and unnatural.

They may try to injure themselves to require the amputation of that limb.

They are generally ashamed of their thoughts and may try to hide them from others, including therapists and health care professionals.”

It is thought that some sufferers of BIID will find any way possible to get rid of an unwanted limb.

Some will injure their arm to the point where it must be amputated.

Others seek out doctors who are willing to remove the limb from the patient’s body.

At first BIID flashing means nothing to the viewer that is until about 1:20 into part 4.

As Barbie rubs her right arms uncomfortably she finally raises it, showing that the majority of her arm is gone.

This is where a seemingly average creepypasta takes a dark turn.

Later there were two screenshots not shown in the 3 .avi videos that show her amputated arm more clearly.

These shots are a little clearer and not as cropped as the videos, though no one knows where they fit in on the full movie timeline.

It seems that Barbie is suffers from BIID, and that due to her condition she had her right arm amputated.

Whoever is speaking with her seems to be asking her about the condition which seems to upset her later on in the entries.

Some fans have gathered the idea that perhaps she was being interviewed by a doctor after she had her right arm removed, or before she was going to get her left arm amputated.

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