Who knew!- ch.3

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We had to go to work today. Nobody really knows that we are trying for a baby. I've told Brett, but she's also my partner. I feel like somethings we just can't keep from each other. We have our boundaries, but you know sometimes theres girl talk. 

Matt and I started to get ready. Matt was in the shower. I was naked just getting ready to put on my work clothes. Matt got out of the shower wrapping a towel around his steamy body. I put on my pants " babe... last night was amazing!" Matt chuckled " oh it was!" I laughed " I think that was the bets time I've had in a long while..." Matt laughed " trying to get pregnant has it's perks I guess..." I laughed " sure does... round 3 later..." Matt looked at me " you know I'm Captain... and we have to be careful around the house..." I looked at him " like I say... it's a dangerous job.." 

A few hours later at work...

Brett and I have been on a few calls. She looked at me " so you never told me how the doctor appointment went...?" I smiled " oh yeah... the doctor said that everything with me looked good and that getting pregnant might take up to a year..." She looked at me " so your trying.." I laughed "whenever we can..." She looked at me and chuckled" That's the Gabby I know..." I laughed " and last night... oh man I think having sex to get pregnant is way more fun than just having sex just cause..." She laughed " ok... I don't need the details..." I laughed " don't worry I'll spare you with those..." 

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