coming soon- ch.29

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She is full term this week. She could come at any moment. I stopped working weeks ago.  She is continuing to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, about the size of a mini watermelon. The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

We went into the doctor's. The doctor did an ultrasound " everything looks good. heart beat is great. sounds like were ready for labor." He felt my belly " and she is head down... I would also like to check you to see where we are...." 

I put my legs in the the strippupts. The doctor stuck two fingers into my vagina feeling my cervix. He looked at me " just breathe in this isn't the most comfortable..." He nodded " ok your 3 centimeters dilated..." I looked at him "doctor how long can this go on for...?" He looked at me " some women go into labor around this time some later... theres no specific way of knowing." I looked at the doctor "I'm uncomfortable... how can we speed things up..." He laughed " oh ok.. well lot's of women try spicy foods, theres also sex, nipple stimulation... there are lots of natural remedies..." I looked at him " I'll try anything!" The doctor smiled " well good luck... if anything arises or you have any questions just give me a call..." Matt shook his hand " thanks doctor!" 

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