hold on- Pg.32

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Matt's POV 

I knocked on Chief's door " Chief! it's an emergency." He opened the door "Casey... what is it.. what time is it.." I looked at him " it's 2 am.. Gabby's water just broke I gotta get home." Chief looked at me " Go Casey get home Safe.. Hermann can take over..." 

I started to run "thanks Chief!" 

I got to the house in 10 minutes with some not so right speeding, but I was here. 

I opened the door "hey baby! babe!" She yelled " in here..." I ran into the living room " hey baby you ok..." She looked at me " ahhhh ouuuuu... ya my water broke... and I think the contrations are coming on hard..." I helped her up " ok come on let's get to the hospital..." 

We got the bags and everything into the car. I held Gabby's and as we rushed down the road " its gonna be ok babe just breathe.." She breathed " oooh ahhh" I looked at the traffic ahead " it's all gonna be ok..." 

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