we will see! - ch.19

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Today I'm 13 weeks pregnant. I'm really starting to officially show. I still have a little bump, but it defiantly is starting to look like I'm actually pregnant. The baby is the size of a Georgia peach. The baby's eyes are wide shut. They  have arrived, they're not open. The eyelids are fused shut to protect tiny peepers as they continue to develop. The vocal cords are starting to form and the baby is starting to balance out. That big baby head is getting more in balance with the rest of the body. Right now, the baby's head is about half the size of  it's total frame.

We had an appointment today and this was our last appointment in the first trimester. We got into the doctors and we were having an ultrasound. The doctor put the gel onto my stomach " this might be a little cold.." I was just happy that we were seeing the baby again. 

The doctor moved the wand on my stomach " ok... theres that big head... and the eyes... and let's listen to the heart beat. there we go..." I smiled " it's good." He smiled " very good... strong heart beat... 140 bpm." I smiled " good..." Matt looked at the doctor " and when can we find out the gender?" He looked at us " twenty weeks is when I can give you an accurate reading." I smiled " so we wait..."

We deiced that now was the time to tell everyone about the the pregnancy. We got the house and we were just so happy. Matt rubbed my belly in the car " baby everyone is about to find out about you..." I smiled " sure are.." We got inside the common room and there was no fooling around. Matt made an announcement " ok guys.. listen up! Gabby and I we have something that we have been meaning to say." I smiled " so we've been keeping this from you for a while.. but" Matt interrupted me "Gabby's pregnant!" I smiled "yeah... I'm pregnant!" everyone was happy for us. Severide hugged me " Congratulations!" I smiled " thanks!" 

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