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Elena was a month old. We couldn't believe it. Matt and I were very fortunate that he was able to take a month off to be with us. He had to go back to work in a few days though because he took a lot of his furlough time off already. 

There was a knock at the door. I walked to the door " I got it babe..." I opened the door " Nancy hi!" She immediately hugged me " Gabby hi honey!" I smiled " you came.. Matt's gonna be so surprised and happy." She smiled " really?!" I smiled " yeah with Elena being born in all he's been really wanting her to be around her family more." She smiled " well I cant wait to see her... and him of course." 

I yelled up to the room " babe come here." I looked at her " I think he just got out of the shower. 

Eventually Matt came down stairs. Matt smiled " someone is hungry..." I looked at Matt... awkwardly smiling " babe your mom's here." He smiled and hugged her " mom what a surprise." I looked at him " a good surprise." He smiled " yeah of course... how have things been mom..." She smiled " good... and even better that I get to meet my granddaughter." Elena cried. I held her close " Elena say hi to your grandma..." She wailed. 

Matt looked at me " I think she's hungry babe..." I smiled " we'll let's do something about that...' I unhooked my nursing tank and she immediately latched on to my breast " ya someone's hungry..." Nancy smiled " she's been feeding well..." I smiled " she's a good little eater actually." She smiled " that's wonderful I mean as long as she will feed that's amazing..." I smiled " as long as she wants to feed I will be willing you know..." She looked at me " and your not planning and going back to work..." I looked at her " not anytime soon...." 

Whatever It takes - A Dawsey Story - Chicago FireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang