Girly girl! - Ch. 22

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We found out we were having a girl and we were so excited about it. We couldn't wait to tell everyone the news. 

We got to wok and we were so excited. Matt was rubbing my belly and we were just so happy. Hermann looked over at us " whats up with the pregnant happy couple!" I smiled " we know what the baby is!" Brett looked at us " do tell!" I smiled looking at Matt " were having a little girl!" Everyone clapped. They were so happy for us. Boden clapped looking at us both "congratulations!" 

The next day after shift Matt and I were getting ready to leave. I smiled " let's go baby shopping!" Matt smiled " of course... yeah let's do it." We strolled down the millions of aisles. I picked up all these clothes and showed Matt. I smiled " look at this one!" Matt smiled " adorable.. get it!" 

This was fun!

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