still keeping a secret- chapter 17

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Matt and I were still keeping our secret. We haven't told a soul. Of course Brett and Kelly know were trying, but we didn't want anyone to know quite yet. I wasn't real big at all yet so I could still hide my belly. I was growing a belly, but it's absolutely nothing. 

Brett and I had been on a bunch of solo calls today. We basically spent the whole day in the ambo non stop. I was honestly tired being pregnant now and in this first trimester I haven't been exhausted and nauseous. Lately my nausea hasn't been as bad. I have days where I can keep everything down and then I have the days where I throw everything possible up. 

Brett asked " so how's everything going..?" I looked at her not wanting to tell anything " good.." She looked at me " you haven't said much about it.... have you guys tested yet..?" I looked at her " yeah a couple times.... but no luck yet." I smiled " yeah.. were just getting started you know it takes a year to get pregnant..." She looked at me " yeah... you guys will get pregnant... I know you will." I smiled " yeah I think your right..." She looked at me " when would you like to be pregnant..." I looked at her " I don't have a time line... you know me I want it to happen and happen right now... but when it happens it happens. We are doing everything we need to. I've been taking ovulation tests and when it's the time we do our thing... it's how it has to be I guess." 

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