find out the gender!- ch.20

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I'm 20 weeks we can officially find out the gender. The baby is the size of a mango. The baby is about 6.5 inches long and about 10 oz. Our little one  is still working hard on sucking reflexes and baby may even suck it's thumb if it's hand drifts close to it's face. My feet are starting to swell it's crazy. We were going to find out the gender of our little baby today. We were both excited we have just been calling the baby an it or a baby for weeks. I was excited to finally find out the gender since we are half way through out pregnancy already. 

My bump was really sticking out now. It really looked like I had a baby watermelon in there. It was crazy. Matt lifted up shirt as I was still asleep, rubbing my belly " I love you baby... I can't wait to find out if your a boy or girl..." I woke up to the feeling of being touched "Matt..." He put his hands on mine " morning babe.." I looked at him " stop rubbing my belly when I'm trying to sleep!" He looked at me " sorry baby!" I got up " ok we should get ready for the appointment..." 

We started to drive to the doctors. I felt something "ooooh..." Matt looked over at me " what's wrong...?" I smiled " the baby's kicking a lot..." He put his hand on my stomach " sure is..." 

We got to the doctors and we were just waiting for the ultrasound. The doctor came " hi guys how are we doing..?" I smiled " good... ready to see this baby." He smiled " well ok then why don't you lie back..." I lied back and lifted up my shirt. The doctor squirted the gel on to my belly and started the ultrasound " there's the baby.... there's some fingers and toes.. oh baby's moving her hand away from... and if baby is good we might get to see the gender..." I smiled " that's what we want to hear." The doctor asked for clarification " and if we can find out would you guys like to know..?" I smiled " yes definitely!" 

The doctor intently looked at the screen examining " it's a......" 

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