in the clear- ch. 8

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Matt and I skipped Molly's every night I wasn't working. It made it easier for us. We got our alone time together. We got to be together and it just made easier for us. Secrets really are hard to keep. 

I knew tonight that I had to take an ovulation test. I took one and I hoped for the best. I know most people would just have sex and try not knowing If it would happen, but I guess knowing were ovulating and knowing our window is wide open just makes things way more promising and exciting. 

I looked at the test " +..." I ran out to the bedroom to show Matt " it's a plus baby.. I'm ovulating!" Matt looked at the ovation test " then what are we waiting for..." I climbed over Matt kissing him over and over. I laid right on top of him. We both ripped off our clothes , throwing them on the ground. 

There was no fooling around. Matt rubbed my legs, massaging the insides of them. I felt it " oooh.." I opened my legs wide and Matt made his way inside. I felt him go farther and farther inside. I felt the pressure beat down on me " ugh..ooh." Matt wrapped his arms around me " good..?" I smiled moaning and groaning " amazing!" I got onto of him pressing further and other into him. I felt him go right in me. 

We finished. Then there was round two and three and then we lost track. Matt rubbed my belly " I can just imagine a baby in there..." I smiled " me too..." 

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