want it now-ch.49

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a few weeks later...

We had been trying a little bit recently. We had been having lots of sex. We weren't trying, but we weren't not. Having another baby it just felt right. I new if it happened that everything would be complete. Things were going well and we just figured why not. 

I tested at work. Matt sat on his bunk with me and we just both looked as the test continuously blinked. I shielded my eyes " I can't look..." Matt looked for us both.

Matt held my hand "whatever this test says it doesn't change anything. if we're not we will just try harder. It's gonna be ok." Matt looked at me " ok it's done Gab" I looked " I'm not.. but I thought..." Matt kissed me " we can try again right now..."

I smirked " Mathew Casey getting wild on me!" I sat on him kissing him. As soon as I knew his hands were on my breasts and He was onto of me pushing into me. 

I breathed " yeah baby yeah fuck get me ya there there..." 

We had to be quiet so I whispered but god it felt good I just wanted to scream. 

Whatever It takes - A Dawsey Story - Chicago FireWhere stories live. Discover now