9 months -ch.50

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Elena was nine months. She's starting to say mama and dada. She can stand up and is starting to learn to walk. It's all so crazy. Our little girl is growing up. She was crawling around. Matt kissed me goodbye " I got a construction Job, but I should only be a few hours." I kissed him " bye babe" 

I didn't want to say anything, but I had been feeling sick. I just knew. I knew that this had to be it. I couldn't wait for Matt so I called Sylvie. I didn't need anyone to take the test. I just wanted someone. I took the test and just waited. 

Sylvie knocked " hey what's up?" I smiled "I think I'm pregnant!" She looked at me "really?" I looked at her " I have been wanting another one and Matt and I haven't really been careful." She looked at me " how do you feel?" I looked at her " nauseous" She looked at me " but like 2 under 2 how do you feel about that." I smiled " I mean what's one more and Matt and I we want a big family!" She smiled " well check the test" 

And so I did. 

I looked " I'm pregnant!" She hugged me " Gabby that's great!" I smiled " I can't wait to tell Matt!" 

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