full term- ch.31

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Matt's POV 

Gabby was full term, 40 weeks. She was miserable being that the baby was low. I couldn't wait for our little girl to get here. I had one last shift. I wanted to take off sooner, but Gabby convinced me to take this last shift since the baby wasn't coming as fas as she could. 

I kissed Gabby as she slept " bye baby.... one last shift then I'll be home with you..." She kissed me " hurry home babe..." 

I got to work and it was a ruckus. Everyone was curious on the status of the baby. I laughed " the baby is still inside of Gabby... but the doctor said it shouldn't be much longer... we've been partaking in some natural labor strategies..." 

We went throughout the day. Many calls the day felt endless. 

The night settled and we all got some rest because who knows when the bells will go off again. 

2:03 am 

I answered " hello..." She spoke " Matt! Matt!" I sat up fast " babe.. Gabby what's wrong..." She spoke " I think my water just broke... I think it's time.." I got up " ok babe... don't worry I'll be home soon." She panicked a bit " hurry... I'm on the floor and I cant get up!" I ran as I was on the phone " I'll be there very soon babe just keep clam..." 

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