23 weeks -ch.23

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This week she is the size of a grapefruit.  She's apparently getting ready for her big debut by listening in on what's going on in the outside world. Were getting ready too. The average 23-week fetus measures 11.4 inches from head to foot and weighs 1.1 pounds. Yep, she's almost a foot long, and is finally able to be weighed in pounds! And baby's not just getting bigger, he or she's getting even cuter and starting to look more like a baby. My feet and ankles are getting more swollen and my back just aches. Matt's been a sweetheart and he's been rubbing my feet and back. 

My 23 weeks pregnant belly measures about 21 to 25 centimeters from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. (That's the fundal height.) At 23 weeks pregnant, I've gained about 15 pounds.She's kicking around like crazy. 

Matt talks to the baby everyday. He started telling her about how we met. He told the whole story " it was your moms first day. She was just a ray of sun shine and she was so smart... still is. We met and there I knew we would be close, but I don't think either of us knew we would be married with you in your moms belly now." 

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