about it- chapter 13

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We were able to Get a doctors appointment within a few days. I wasn't really sure how far along I am. I wasn't sure what to expect either. I know that usually at these appointments the doctor wants to do full workups especially with our history. 

We got to the doctors and didn't wait long before they were calling my name. We got back there and the nurse took my blood pressure and everything was good so far. She asked " and when was your last missed mensural cycle ?" I shrugged "I think 6 weeks ago.." The nurse explained how today's visit will go to us  " ok so the doctor will be in just a few minutes... he's going to do a full work up. breast exam... Pap smear... then a transvagional ultrasound since your early on based on your last missed period.." 

She handed me a gown " ok I'm gonna leave this gown with you and this sheet.. I'm sure you know the gown opens in the front and the sheet you can just place over your lap... take everything off and the doctor will be in... in just a few minutes..." 

I started to undress placing my clothes on the empty chair. Matt and I talked about the baby while we waited for the doctor to come in. There was a knock at the door and then the door opened " Hi Gabby...Matt! Nice to see you both. He sat down " ok so you think your pregnant now.." I smiled " yeah we took a few home tests and they were all positive.." He nodded " ok...and when was your last missed menstral cycle?" I looked at him " 6 weeks ago..." He looked at me " that's pretty normal with most patients.. I usually don't see my patients for prenatal visits until 8 weeks but I know with your history that your eager to get in here so that's good." 

to be continued...

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