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Matt had been back to work. The baby was a month old. It wasn't easy taking care of her alone, but I was alone. I had my mom, brother, and Matt's mom has been unbelievably great. we never really had a relationship, but her being here has been nice. 

I bundled Elena up. Matt's mom and I got in the car. We were going to go by the house. She looked at me " you do take good care of Mathew" I smiled " he takes good care of me too" She smiled " of course.... I can't really say that was because of me... but I guess that was all him.." I looked at her " I'm sure you did something..." She looked at me " well I didnt get to see him grow completely up..." I looked at her " well whatever you did in the past... that was then. now is a time for happiness." 

She smiled " your right." 

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