our time- chapter 9

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We have been trying for 7 months now. I have been doing good. We've been testing pretty regularly and nothing quite yet. We've had a few doctors appointment and he seems to just tell us that it will happen when it happens. Our levels are good and theres nothing fertility wise we need to talk about. If it takes more than a year that's when we have more issues. 

We had to get to work and that was that. We went on our calls, we did our jobs. We did what we had to do. 

The bells went off once again... ambo 61.. truck 81.. squad 3 car accident... 

we rolled out. We got to the scene and there was two cars. I approached the first car " mam.. you ok..?" She was frantic " Penelope, Juliet!!!" I looked at her "who else is in your car..?" She looked at me " My daughters Penelope and Juliet..." I looked at her " everything's gonna be ok... don't move ok.. their gonna be ok.." I looked at her " how old are they..?" She looked at me " Penelope's 6 and Juliet is only 8 months..." I looked at her " look at me everything will be ok... ok.." She smiled "Kyra.. everything will be just fine.." 

We got the girls out and the mom out everything was just fine. Penelope clenched her arm " ow..." I looked at her " sweetie does your arm hurt?" She looked at me, feeling pain " yes..." I felt her arm " it might be broken...ok Brett let's stabilize her arm. 

We got her all good. I grabbed Juliet and put her on a gurney. I listened to her heart and checked her out. Kyra looks at me " is she ok..?" I held her in my arms " she's just fine..." Kyra cried " thank you so much... I don't know what I would do without my girls..." 

Matt put his arms around me " your amazing...."

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