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Madison's POV.

I had a great time at Matt's.

Today's Monday and I can't wait to see Matt.

When I got to school Matt was already there.... with a group of boys.

"Hey Matt" I smiled.

"Oh, what do you want?" he asked in a rude way.

"Well, you are my best friend I just wanted to say hi"

"We're not best friends" he said.

"W-why" I started to cry.

Matt looked hurt, like he didn't want to say any of these things.

"Ha, tell her Matt" one of the boys said. I think his name was Taylor

"Lets go" another boy said. Nash, the boy who called me a weirdo on the first day of school.

"Ok" Matt said.

As Matt walked away he looked at me, and if eyes could say sorry, his did..... but he still did it....... why though?




Matt's POV.

When I walked into the classroom I saw a group of boys. Nash, Cameron, Carter, Taylor, Jack J, Jack G, Aaron, and Shawn.

"Hey" I said.

"We need to talk" Nash said. geeez these boy were scary for kindergarteners.

"Ok" I said.

"You know you're best friend, Madison?" Nash said.

"Yea" I said in more of a question.

"Well, you can't be friends with her anymore" he said.


"Because we said so, and if you do t listen we will hurt her" he said.

"Fine, I won't be friends with her anymore" I said.

Just as Cameron was about to answer Maddie walked into the classroom, and started walking my way.

"Hey" she said.

"Oh, what do you want" I said.

"Well you are my best friend I just wanted to say hi" she said.

I felt Nash poke me, he was a meanie, but he was a smart meanie. He knew I would say something to make her feel better.

I didn't want Maddie to get hurt, so I did this for her.

"We're not best friends" I said. wow that hurt a lot more than I thought it would.

"W-why" she was crying. ouch

"Ha, tell her Matt" Taylor said behind me.

"Let's go" Nash said. He was smart.

I looked back at her as we walked away, trying to say sorry with my eyes.




Ohhhh pre-k drama!! I just want to say that it will start getting better!! love ya beans!

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