Or Else~CH.15<

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Maddie's POV.

After what happened last night, I didn't want to go to school, but clearly with my dad back form his business trip, that wasn't even a possibility.

I got up and did my normal routine.

I didn't feel like dressing all up, so I just threw on a pair of black sweats, a white hoodie that says "Love", and a pair of Ugg boots with a bow in the back of them.

I threw my hair up in a nice messy bun and put on eyeliner and mascara.

I got my backpack and phone, then got in my car and drove to school.

I got there and headed to first hour.

Matt is in all my classes except for seventh hour.

I walked into the classroom and say down in my seat..... next to Matt.

"Hey Maddie" he smiled.

What the hell, did he forget everything that happened just two days ago?

"Um, hey" I said.

"Look, me and the boys talked and were not gonna bully you anymore, well actually I never wanted to, but they made me" he said.

"Okay, but did you forget what happened between us?"

"The boys made me pretend to "cheat" on you so you would be mad at me" he said looking down.

Suddenly, I was so happy.

He might actually like me!

"So, do you actually like me" I asked.

"Yea, a lot" he said.

Aww, he's blushing.

I'm not gonna go out with him anytime soon, we need to rebuild out friendship before anything.

The rest of the day Matt and I talked and caught up on what's happened on the last couple of years.

When I got home, I was happy, but very tired. So I decided to take a nap.




Nash's POV.

We didn't talk to Maddie today, but Matt did.

I told the guys to give her some space before we tried to apologize.

I know I like Maddie, but I can tell Matt loves her, so i'll back off.

I was gonna go play with Skylnn, but I got a text from Taylor.

Taylor- You guys are gonna bully Maddie..... or else.

Me- What?

Taylor- I don't like that bitch, so bully her or else.

I k ow I shouldn't be scared of him, but Taylor is the strongest in the group.

I'm not gonna bully Maddie again and neither of the boys.




Taylor's POV.

I don't like bulling Maddie, but I can't stop now.

Yea I know, it sounds crazy, but I want her to like me.

I know bulling her isn't gonna help, but.... I don't know, but I do know that the boys will bully her.




Nash's POV.

I text Matt and tell him to stay by Matt at all times, then I text Cameron and tell him to watch Taylor, last I text all the other boys and tell them to be ready in case Taylor really does try something crazy.




Longer chapter!!! Sorry about all the POV'S in this chapter, but I hope you like it!! love ya beans.

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