Evaporate Into The Air~CH.30~

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Maddie's POV.

"You have to pretend like we had sex" Cameron smirked.

I didn't answer.

"Or we can really have sex" he said pushing me up against the wall.

"No, i'll pretend" I quickly said.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes.

"Lets just get this over with" I said walking out.

"Not so fast" he said.

"We're gonna do it in Matt's room" he smirked.




Matt's POV.

I decided not to text Bobby.

I love Maddie too much.

I walked up to my room, but stopped at the door.

"Oh, Cameron" Maddie moaned.

"Mm Maddie"

I know this is wrong to say, but I wish that was me.

I barged through the door.

"What the fuck" I screamed.

They were in my bed, having sex!

"Sorry, we couldn't wait" Cameron smirked.

"You're such a slut" I screamed slamming the door.

Any love I had for Maddie, had now evaporated in the air.

I'm defiantly texting Bobby.




Cameron's POV.

My plan worked.

I knew Matt was thinking about texting Bobby, but I also knew he would back out because of his feelings for Maddie. Well, those feelings are gone.

I'll leave Maddie alone now, but now she won't have anyone. They all think she's a slut.

My work here is done.




Maddie's POV.

Even though Cameron and I didn't really have sex, I still felt dirty. Matt was right. I am a slut.

I ran into the bathroom crying. I went under the sink and grabbed my razor, breaking it in half and taking the blade.

I pressed the blade to my wrist and watched the blood ooze out.

"One for being a slut"

"Two for Matt hating me"

"And three for being me"

A put the blade away and cleaned the cuts, then I put white bandages over them.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts.

There's still one person who doesn't hate me.

Kian Lawley




Sooo Kian coming in WOOP WOOP!! This kinda sucked but I love you beans!

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