I Forgive You~CH.23~

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Maddie's POV.

Ever since I said that to Nash, Cameron, and Matt, they've been kinda distant.

That's what I wanted.......I think.

No, it's not what I wanted. I just wanted to show that I'm not the same Maddie from high school and elementary.

They can't think that I'm just gonna forgive them, cause honestly, I'm kinda scared of them still. Well actually, I'm not scared of Matt.

Truth is........I still have feelings for Matt.




Nash's POV.

Ever since Maddie said that, I couldn't help but think of the night I saw her scars.

The night she told me that I was the one that made her want to cut.

I love Maddie.

Not like that, but like an older brother. I'm always gonna protect her, be her shoulder to cry on, and show her I'm really sorry this time.




Matt's POV.

What Maddie said made me mad, but it was true.

And now that I think about it, I should've said that to the boys, cause if I would've, no if this would've ever happened.

I don't know if Maddie will ever forgive any of us, but I hope and pray she'll forgive me.




Taylor's POV.

I can see Maddie I still scared of us and it haunts me everyday.

There was never a time after she moved that I didn't think about her.

Not like that, but the gilt of all the trouble I caused.

I have to go talk to her.

I walk to her room and knock on the door.

Maddie opens the door, thank god, if it would've been one of the boys, I would've had to play twenty one questions.

"Uh, yea" she said.

"Can we talk"

"I guess" she mumbled.

I walked into her room and sat on her bed.

""I'm sorry" I said.

"Ta-" she started to say, but I cut her off.

"No, let me finish" I paused, then continued.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, if I could take it back I would, but I can't" I paused again, then started again.

"All the boys are sorry to, they just want to give you your space, and honestly we all want to be your friends, but we can all clearly see you're never gonna forgive us" I said tears streaming down my face.

I stopped talking and waited for her to say something.

"Taylor, I really, really want to forgive all of you, but I know that's not the right thing to do, this isn't a movie or a fanfic, I'm not gonna just forgive all if you, then fall in love with two of you, break up a friendship, and get hurt, this is reality not fiction" she said crying harder than me.

"No of us are asking for a fanfic, all were asking for is a friendship" I said.

"And I get that, so just give me a little time, we really don't need any tension at the next show" she said.

Damn, she's right.

"All of us get enough hate as it is, we really don't need anymore" she said calming down.

"I know"

"Good, now give me a hug" she said.

I walked up to her and gave her a big hug, then I started to walk away.

"Taylor" Maddie said.


"I forgive you"




So first off I just wanna say thanksgiving 600 reads!!!! I love ya all!! And second I wanna ask who do you guys ship Maddie with? comment who. LOVE YA BEANS!

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