Arguing With Myself~CH.27~

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Matt's POV.

I broke up with Maddie.


Cause I'm stupid and know I'm gonna do something wrong, and I don't want to hurt her more than I already have.

We pulled up to the event an got out.

I didn't want to avoid Maddie, but I didn't want to have make any kind of eye contact with her.

The V.I.P meet and greet went great. I met this girl named Riley.

I was about to go on stage, when Riley pulled me over and started making out with me. After about a minute, she let go and walked out to the audience, then I turned around to go stage, but instead I see Maddie. I tried to hide any expression on my face.

"Hey bestie" was all I said, then I walked on stage.

Why am I such a fuck up?

.....................Show Time.......................

"Lets welcome, Matthew Espinosa" I heard my name finally be called.

I walked out and smiled at everyone.

Maddie avoided making any eye contact with me. I shouldn't have broken up with her. I thought it was best, but clearly I love her. I don't know how she feels about me considering I just made out with someone I just met right in from of her.

I thought this was best for both of us, but clearly it's not.




Maddie's POV. (After The Event)

I don't know how I felt about Matt and that girl, but I wasn't gonna tell him how I felt. I'm gonna play it cool, like it doesn't bother me.

I need to did someone to get Matt off my mind. I am in a house with eight other boys, who are very hot.... But there not Matt.

No, stop Maddie. You don't like him anymore.

Yea I do.

No I don't.





Ugh, I don't know.

After fighting with myself for an hour, I took a shower and went to bed.


I woke up cause I felt someone get into my bed. It was dark, so I couldn't really see anything.

"Who's in my bed" I asked.

"It's me" the voice said.


"Matthew" I whispered.

"I'm sorry Maddie" he said.

"For what"

"For kissing the girl, breaking up with you, and ruining everything" he said.

"Everything happens for a reason" I said.

"But I love you" he said.

I loved him too, but right now isn't the time to say that.

"I know, but I think we need to stay best friends" I said.

"Okay" he sighed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

"Don't be sad, I want a bestie more than a boyfriend" I said.

"Well as your bestie, can I sleep here tonight" he said.

"Sure" I smiled.

Then we drifted off to sleep.




Filter!!!!! love ya beans

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