Forgive And Forget~CH.22~

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Matt's POV.

I was waiting got the car to pull up when I got a call from Bart saying to grab Maddie's bags when he pulled up.

When he pulled up, I went strait to the bad and grabbed her bags, then I took them upstairs.





Maddie's POV.

I woke up and we were at the hotel. My bags were already upstairs.

"Guys, netting time" Bart said.

I walked down stairs and see Bart sitting at the table along with nine boys and one girl.

Of course, I should've known that they were gonna be here, cause that's just my fucking luck!

"Hey Maddie" Bart said.

I fake smiled an sat down next to the girl.

"Hi, my names Mahogany" she smiled.

"Hey, I'm Maddie"

"I know, I love your videos" she said.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Okay, I'm gonna assign rooms" Bart said.

Basically, these are the rooms.

Room one- Nash, Cameron, Matt, Me.

Room two- Taylor, Shawn, Jack G, Jack J.

Room three- Mahogany, Hayes, Carter, Aaron.

Of course I got paired with Matt, which Mahogany said he requested that.

I guess I'll have to make the best of this.




Matt's POV.

Yep, I requested to be with Maddie.

I could tell Maddie was mad.

Me and the boys decided were gonna say sorry, but they also said they'd back off for me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Nash, Cam, and Maddie coming in the room.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" Nash said.

"Hi" Cam said.

Maddie just gave me a little smile.

"Do you guys care if I make a video" Maddie asked.

"Only if we can be in it" Cameron smirked.

"K, that's fine" she smiled.

She set up her camera and pressed record.

"What up my lil fuckers" she said.

"Today I have three guest, Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, and Matt Espinosa"

"And today were gonna do a Q&A" she said.

She turned off the camera and waited so she could get some questions.

"K, so we got some question, now we gonna give ya some answers" she said in a funny voice.

"@kolpwannabe wants to know "Why is a slit like u with Magcon"

"Wellllll, its a free country"

"@magconlover says "I ship #matison"

"I'm guessing that's Matt and I, and I ship it to cause we besties" she said.

Is she kidding?

"@kellymakesgood wants to know "Will this be in the video"

"ORR NAWW" we all said at the same time.

"Okay guys, I love you and i'll see ya soon" se said turning off the camera.

"So, were besties now?" we all asked.

"No, that was just no drama gets started between my fans and your guys fans" she said.


"I hope all of you know" she said earning all of our attention.

"I may forgive, but i'll never forget"

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