What The Hell~CH.11~

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Maddie's POV.

I wanted to run out of the school and never come back, but this wasn't a movie.

The worst part wad that they were right by the door I needed to go in.

I started walking toward the door, so scared of what was about to happen.




Nash's POV.

I saw her.

I saw Maddie.

The girl that we made Matthew, stop being friends with.

For some reason I felt mad, like she didn't want to be my friend, she wanted to be Matt's.

So I did what my gut told me to do. Bully her




Maddie's POV.

When I got to the classroom, all the boys were blocking the door.

"Oh look, the slit thought she could look cute today' Nash said.

"Wait, what" they all said.

I thought he would be mad at them, but instead just ignored them.

I started to walk away cause I knew were this was going.

"Where do you think you're going" I heard Nash say.

"Wherever I want to" I said. sudden confidence boost .

"Don't ever talk to me that way" he said slapping me.

"What the hell" I screamed.

He looked shocked, like that was never suppose to happen.

"What the fuck bro" I heard Matt scream.

Oh Matt, I forgot about him.

"You said you would never bully her again" Matt said.

"Well, I lied" Nash said.

"Okay well you never told us, I've always hated this bitch" Taylor said.

"Glad I'm not the only one" Cameron said.

Jack G, Jack J, Shawn, Aaron, and Carter just looked at each other and nodded.

"We're in" they all five aid together.

"What the fuck is going on" Matt said.

"Well Matt, we lied to you, we've always hated her" Nash said.

Matt balled his fist up at his sides and ran out of the building.

Wait, what

"See sweetie, he was never your best friend" Nash said, smirking.

"Yea, so get ready, cause your bestie isn't here to save you" Cameron said.

Wow, Matt left.

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