On One Condition~CH.29~

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Maddie's POV.

It's been a living hell the last two weeks.

I have to act like I love Cameron. Kiss, hug, hold hands. You'd think we'd been dating since day one.

I'm just grateful he didn't make me do anything else. You know what I mean.

But poor Matt.


He broke up with me.

But, I still love him.

The other boys think it's real. Which sucks because, when this is all over, there all gonna think I'm some slut. Your probably wondering why I don't say anything to him, well.... Cameron is strong, really strong. I remember him being the second most aggressive. That's why I don't want to say anything to him.

My thoughts were interrupted by Cameron coming in the room.

"Hey" he said.

I didn't answer.

"I just came to tell you it over" he said.

"What do you mean" I said suddenly jumping up.

"I mean, the whole acts up" he smirked.

I don't know what got into me, but I hugged me.

He pushed me off and laughed.

"On one condition" he smirked.

Oh no.




Matt's POV.

I'm getting lonely.

I'm tired of waiting for Maddie.

Clearly she loves Cameron.

I might as well try to get over her, right?

I grab my phone off my bed and scroll through my contacts.

Bailey, nope.

Bart, no.

Bobby, perfect..




Nash's POV.

I don't think Cameron and Maddie are dating.

Number one, Cameron's big about announcing it to his fans, he didn't do that.

Number two, Maddie doesn't seem happy.

And number three, I know Maddie loved Matt.

None of it makes sense.




Sorry for not updating sooner, sorry for this sucking, and sorry for not doing all the other boys POV'S. So now Bobby is coining into the story, now we had a condition, and Nash is starting to put two and two together..... YASSSS. Ill try to update again tonight I have a three day weekend sooo YAY! but, I love ya beans.

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