A Little Popular~CH.18~

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A/N The pic os of Maddie's bedroom in her apartment. The pic of her apartmnt is on CH. 16. BTW listen to the song up there! love ya SoMo. Thats the SOTU (song of the update) lol! OK read now!




2 years later

Maddie's POV.

"I love ya guys soo much and i'll see you next Saturday" I said covering the camera with my hands.

It's been two years since I've moved to my apartment and my life has been great!

I'm a little popular now.

I have 4.2 million subscribers on YouTube, 6.3 million on twitter, and 4 million on vine.

I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, and I'm about 5'7.

I do some modeling, but mainly acting.

I'm really happy with my life now!




Matt's POV.

It's been two years since any of us have seen Maddie.

She's beautiful, funny, talented, and she's more popular than Nash!

I've always liked her, but the guys always stopped me.

Taylor apologized, and he's actually changed.

We're kinda popular now.

On vine I have 4 million followers, twitter 4.2 million, and YouTube 2 million.

All of us are kinda famous in out own way, but the most popular is probably Nash.

We do this thing called Magcon now.

Me, Nash, Cam, Taylor, Shawn, Aaron, Carter, Jack G, And Jack J, but there are other people like Mahogany, Jacob, Sammy, and various Viners and YouTubers.

They were talking about adding another girl, I wonder who.




😏 Ha, wonder who... kinda a filter it whateves.. Love ya beans!

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