The Plan~CH.16~

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SOTU (song of the update) Ghost

Maddie's POV.

The guys have been really weird lately, but I'm not complaining, cause they haven't been bulling me or trying to be my friend. They leave me alone and when they see me, they just smile.

Matt and I have been hanging out all week just catching up on life.

My week has been going great until I got the text...

Taylor: I'm coming over.

Me: Why?

Taylor: You'll see when I get there😏

I didn't even text back.

I was pretty scared.

About twenty minuets passed and I heard a knock on the door.

I went to open it and I really regret it,because the last thing I remember is Taylor hitting something against my head and blacking out.




Taylor's POV.

My plan was to go to Maddie's house, bring her to my house, then tell the boys she's here and unless they want her to get hurt, they'll go along with my plan.

When we got to my house I carried Maddie to my basement.

I set her down and grabbed my phone.

Me: I have Maddie and unless you want her to get hurt, I suggest all of you come here and go along with my plan.

Matt: I swear to fucking god Taylor, if you hurt her.

Nash: Why are you doing this?

Cameron: What do you mean by plan?

Aaron: I'll be there, just don't fucking hurt her.

Carter: Taylor... WHAT THE FUCK?

Jack G: What did Maddie ever do to you?

Jack J: I swear Taylor, i'll put you in jail.

Shawn: What's your address.

What happened to these guys, why'd they go all soft.

They used to hate Maddie, well Matt didn't.

My thoughts were interrupted by banging on my door.

I open to see nine boys, looking pissed.

"Good, now we can rehearse" I smirked.




OHHHHH ugh this is giving me wary attacks!

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