Don't Say Goodbye, Say See Ya Later~CH.7~

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Matt's POV.

I know I should be thinking what, where, when, why, and how, but all I could think about was what Maddie was gonna say.


I'm gonna have to go to her house no matter what, because I can't tell my mom what happened and number two, she really is my best friend I have to say bye.

And I looks like it's time to go to her house.




Maddie's POV.

I was coloring when I heard the door knock, and my dad says not to open the door, so instead I look up and watch him get it.

"Maddie, someone's here for you" my dad says.

"Ok, coming"

When I get the the front door I see Matt and his mom standing there.

"Matt was just wondering if he could talk to Maddie" his mom said.

"Sure, that's fine with me" my dad smiled.

"And while Maddie and Matt are talking, maybe we should talk" he mom said.

"Sure" he said.

"Well let's go" I said to Matt, I didn't want to make a big deal about what happened today, because I can already tell he didn't tell his mom.

When we got into my room, I shut the door and say on my bed.

"Um, do ya wanna sit down" I asked motioning to the other part of the bed.

"Oh, sure" he said.

"What did you need to talk to me about" I asked.

"Uh, well" he looked like was thinking of what to say.

"First I just wanna say sorry about today, that was the boys" he said looking like he was about to cry.

"They said if I kept being your best friend, they would hurt you" he said.

Suddenly, I had the feeling to hug him... so I went with my feeling.

"I knew it was them, I just knew you wouldn't do that" I said crying out tears of joy.

"So are we best friends again" he asked.

"Duh" I said laughing.

We just kinda sat there for a minuet, then Matt started talking again.

"Well, there's more news" he said.

"Oh, okay"

"Well, uh, immovingtoadiffrentstate" he said really fast.

"Woah, slow down" I said.

"I'm moving to a different state" he said sadly.

My heart broke into a million pieces.

"Oh" I said.

"Yea, that's why my mom wanted me to come here, so I could say goodbye" he said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"You know what my mommy said before she went to heven"

"What" he asked.

"To never say goodbye, just say see ya later" I said.

So that's what we did.

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