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Maddie's POV.

It's been about a week since Matt and I broke up. It's kinda hard I mean, I had strong feelings for him and clearly he didn't feel the same way, but everything happens for a reason.

We're in Chicago, but this time we got a house since we'd be staying longer here.

I shared a room with Cameron, Nash, and Hayes. No Matt.

I went upstairs to go take a shower and get ready for bed.

I did my normal routine, then got out. After I got out, I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed. I checked all my social medias and did a update video.

After I logged out my just sat on my bed.

"Why me" I said to myself.

"Your not good enough"

"Your worthless"

"Everyone hates you"

All those things running around in my mind, my conscience telling me I'm not good enough and my heart telling me the same exact thing.

I couldn't handle it anymore, I broke down.

The tears kept coming and coming.

"W-why" I screamed.

Then I heard the door open.


"Maddie, what's wrong" he asked.

"I-I don't know" I kept crying.

"Is this because of Matt" he asked.

"Y-yes" I choked out.

"Maddie, he was looking out for you when he broke up with you"

"B-but, I loved him"

"I know, and your gonna fall in love again, and go through heartbreak, and there's nothing you can do about it cause, well it's life" he said.

I stopped crying. What he said was true, it was what I needed to hear.

"I've felt this way to and I know it sucks, but you're strong Maddie, you can get through this" he smiled.

I hugged him.

"Thanks you" I said.

"For what"

"For this"

He smiled and nodded, then walked out.




Matt's POV.

All I wanted was to in Maddie's room and cuddle with her, but that's never gonna happen.

My thoughts were interrupted by Cameron coming in my room.

"Hey bro" he said.

"Hey" I sighed.

"What's wrong"

I tried so hard not to cry, but that was a waste of my time.

"I still love Maddie" I choked out.

"I thought you would say that" he smirked.

"What do you mean" I sniffled.

"Well, Maddie and I are dating" he said.





I kinda have a plan, but I'm not sure how it's gonna work out..... love ya beans.

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