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Maddie's POV.

The first thing I did was call my dad and tell him I was going. He said he would support any decision I make.

Then I called Andrea and told her, but when I told her, she seemed..... weird?




Andrea's POV.

She was going to Magcon..... with her bullies.

I was gonna tell her, I really was, but she was so happy and if I would've told her, then she wouldn't have gone.

Another thing she doesn't know, I've talked to all the boys since day one.

They feel bad and Matt, is still in love with her.

I know I should've told we about the boys in the first place, but Kian, said that it was best if I didn't.

I really hope the boys don't fuck this up.



.................The day of Magcon...............



Maddie's POV.

I got up at 5:00 so I could have plenty of time to get ready.

I did my normal shower routine and got out.

I walked to my closet and picked out my cloths. Bart, said it would be cold where we going, so I decided to wear something warm.

I wore skinny jeans, gray Vans, a white long sleeve shirt, and a black scarf.

I did light makeup an curled my hair.

I took my time since the car would be here at 10:30 and it was only 7:00.

I packed my bags and everything I would need for the next couple of months.

When I was done, it was already 10:20, so I grabbed my phone, headphones, all my bags, and walked outside.

The car pulled up about two minuets after I walked out the door, so it was perfect.

"Hi, are you Bart" I asked.

"Yep" he smiled.

"Well, I'm Maddie" I said.

"I know, you can go sit with the others in the car and i'll get your bags in the car" he said.

"Okay, thanks" I smiled.

I climbed in the car to see a boy that looked about fifteen.

"Hey, I'm Hayes" he smiled and hugged me.

"Hi, my names Maddie"

"I know who you are, I love your videos" he said.

"Aww, thanks" I smiled.

"How old are you" I asked.


"Damn, you look older" i said.

"That's just cause I'm hot" I smirked.

He was adorable, but I liked him like a little bro.

"But don't worry, I can tell you're gonna be like my big sis" he smiled.

"That's what I was thinking" I smiled.

"Are there any other people" I asked.

"Yup, you'll meet them later"

I just nodded and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"SELFIE TIMEEE" Hayes screamed in a girly voice.

I opened up Instagram and took and selfie with him

The caption read "Hanging with my new bro"

"Let me see your phone" he said.

"K" I said handing it to him.

He handed it back to me and smiled.

"I put my number in your phone" he said.

"Oh" I laughed.

A couple minuets passed an Hayes was asleep, so I put my headphones in and fell asleep too.




So this was longer and I think I spelled his name right idk.... live ya beans OH YEA BY THE WAY i'll try to put her outfit in here.

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