I Think I Like You~CH.12~

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Matt's POV.

What the fuck was that?

They said that they weren't gonna bully her and that they felt bad for her and honestly, I blame myself.

I should've never forgave them.

I shouldn't have left, but if I didn't leave, I was gonna end up in jail.

I really think I have feelings for her and I thought she did to, but as you com see I fucked that up by leaving.

I'm thinking about going back up to the school because I have no idea what their doing or going to do to her.

Well, it's already 5:00..... i'll just go to her house.




Maddie's POV.

After Matt left, they were awful.

Nash, Cameron, And Taylor, punched, kicked, and slapped me.

Jack G, Jack J, and Carter, called me every name you can think of.

But Shawn and Aaron, just stood there looking sad.

As this was all happening, all I could think about was Matt.

None of it hurt cause I was already in so much pain for Matt leaving.

I really thought I had feelings for him, but I clearly know he doesn't feel the same way.

After they were done, Cameron spit on me. ew

After they left, I got up and went to my car and drove home.

When I got home, I went to my room and took a shower and put on some music. Not even ten minuets later, I was asleep.


It must have been like 5:30 when I went to sleep, cause I woke up an it's 9:00.

I woke up by someone knocking on my window.

I go open it and see Matt.

"What do want" I say in a rude way.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry" he said.

"For what, not staying in touch, becoming best friends with the people that made us hate each other, or letting them beat the shit out of me" I said sarcastically.

"All of it" he said.

"Look, I really need to talk to you" he said.

"Fine, come in"

"Are your dad home" he asked,


We went up to my room and say on my bed.

"What do ya need to talk about" I said.


"What about us" I said.

"Well, I think I like you" he said looking down"

My heart stopped.


"I like you" he said.

"I like you to' I said.

"REALLY" he screamed.

"Yea" I said laughing.

He hugged me.

"Will you be my girlfriend" he asked.

"Yes" I said trying not to jump up and down.

He just kept hugging me.



Matt's POV.

Wow. She really believed all of that.




Mutha fuckin plot twist..... sooo some of you have been asking if there gonna be famous in this story and the answer is....... YASSSS! I have a plan on how long I want the bulling to go .on. So there's gonna be lots of plot twist and I hope ya like it!

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