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Maddie's POV.

I just stared at my phone.

I was gonna DM him on Twitter, but when I went to send it, I get a call.

The number didn't look familiar, but I still answered it.

"Hello" I said.

"Hi, my names Bart" A guys said.

"Oh, this is Maddie"

"Anderson?" he asked.

"Um yea, why?"

"Because I wanted to know if you wanted to join Magcon" he said.

"What's Magcon"

"It's a group of Viners and YouTubers, but mainly Viners" he said.

"Oh, when does it start" I asked.

"I can have a car sent to you in the morning" he said.

"Yea, that's great" I said.

"Okay good, i'll see you soon"

"Okay, bye"

I hung up the phone and did a happy dance. This is the thing I've been waiting for, but I really want to know who's gonna be at Magcon.




Matt's POV.

Maybe tweeting her that question was a little too much, but I had to.

I thought she would at least reply or DM me, but I guess she hates me to much.

My thoughts were interrupted by the boys coining in my room.

"Hey" Nash said.


"We have to go down to the lobby, cause Bart, has to tell us something' Cameron said.

"Ok" I said getting up.

We all walked down to the lobby and waited for Bart. When he got there, he sat us down and looked at us very serious.

"Boys, there's a girl joining Magcon and I don't want you guys to me all crazy at first" he said.

"Okay, what's her name" Taylor asked.

"Maddie, Maddie Anderon" Bart smiled.

Oh my god.




Sooooo this was fun to write cuz it's getting good!!!! Love ya beans!!

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