The Truth~CH.6~

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Maddie's POV.

When I went home I was crying.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" my dad asked.

"M-Matt" I said.

"Is he okay?" he sounded kind of worried.

"Ye-yea, but he said" I couldn't finish because I was crying to hard.

"Sweetie, take deep breaths and calm down because I can't understand you" he said.

I took deep breaths and calmed down.

"Matt, said we weren't best friends" I said on the verge of crying.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sure I was just a misunderstanding" he said.

"No I do t think so, but it did look like he didn't want to say those things" I said.

"Well, maybe someone told him to say those things" he said.

Then I remembered that all the boys were around him.

"And I think I know you told him" my dad said.

"Who" I asked confused.

"THE TICKLE MONSTER" he yelled and started tickling me.

"D-dad pl-please st-stop" I said in between fits of laughter.

After he stopped tickling me I walked up to my room.

I wish I could just go to Matt's house, he only lives a couple houses away

But turn I remember that Matt and I are fighting, well he's being weird, I just have to deal with all this pain.

Why are boys so dumb, even in kindergarten they're so stupid.

I don't mean that, I just wish I knew why was going on with Matt.




Matt's POV.

I got home and ran strait to my room.

Why were Nash and the boys doing this, it's not like I chose Maddie over them.

I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret.

Me and the boys used to be best friends, then one day it all changed.

"Hey Matthew" I heard my mom say.

"Yea mommy" I said.

"Can you please come down really quick, me and you're father have some news"

"Yea, sure" I said.

I walked down the stairs to see my mom, dad, Ryan, and Dylan all sitting at the dining room table. weird

"Come sit down" my dad said.

When I sat down my mom started talking.

"You're father got a promotion' she said.

"What's that" I said.

"Well, that just means he gonna make more money" she smiled.

"Cool I guess, is that all you wanted to tell me" I said.

"Not exactly" she frowned.

Oh no

"To make more money, you're father would have to switch companies" she paused looked at my dad, then started again.

"The only company that you're father can switch to, is California" she said.

"What's that mean" I said

She was gonna say something, but Dylan got mad and said it for her.



"Dylan, that's enough" my dad said.

"NO, GO AHEAD AND TELL HIM" Dylan screamed.

"Tell me what" I said, still very confused.

"Matt, you need to say goodbye to Maddie, were moving to California."




(Kevin Heart voice) OHHH HE WASN'T READY! Sooo it's gonna start getting good.... FINALLY! But this was kind of a cliffy lol. Anyways love ya beans.

Forever&Always ~Magcon Fanfic~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora