New State, New Start~CH.8~

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July 24, 2014

Maddie's POV.

It's been nine years since Matt moved, but a couple of days since we've talked.

The first couple of years Matt and I stayed in touch, but as the years went by the phone calls and texts stopped.

Then one day he text me and said he was coming to visit. So I got to hang out with him for a week or two.

Everything has changed since 2005.

I'm fifteen now, my dad is never home, Hannah moved out, and we're moving to Cali in a couple of days!

Speaking of moving, Matt never said where he moved to, I guess iI'll have to ask.

I'm so happy to get out of Virginia, because when Matt left, everyone started bulling me, so I started cutting, but don't worry ever since my dad told me we were moving I stopped.

Speaking of bulling, when Matt left, so did the rest of the boys. weird

I just hope since I'm moving to a new state, that this will be a new start.




Matt's POV.

Me and Maddie are still best friends!

I know a lot has change in the past nine years for both of us, but somehow we managed to remain best friends.

When I moved the boys went with me, because they didn't want to see Maddie cry.

Yea I know, they're a good 99% why Maddie cried, but they explained to me why they did all that.

Apparently, they all had a crush in Maddie, and they thought that Maddie liked me, so they told me to stay away from her.

I don't hold grudges, so I forgave all of them and now were all friends again.

We're all gonna be freshmen. (I know that's not right, but it works better😋)

Maddie told me she's moving to Cali.

Ya wanna know a little secret that Maddie doesn't know.... that's where the boys and I live now.




ITZZZ GETTIN GOOD! SOOO basically it 2014 now and I know they already graduated well most of them, but I works better if there all in the same grade so they gonna start as freshmen soooo maybe I can make a series out of this cuzzzz I loves it so far!!! Love ya beans! BTW the pic is of Maddie now

Forever&Always ~Magcon Fanfic~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz