Chapter Twenty-Three

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I freeze on my spot when I hear his voice behind me. I slowly and carefully turn around, ready to face the monster in front of me. And he is standing there, mask covering his whole face, leaving only his sole eye visible to the world.

"Oh, Sakura-Chan!" He exclaims loudly, his voice a octave higher than from before. He childishly starts jumping up and down, as if he is happy to see me. I take a step back, fear creeping up on me. Some people might even say that it is insane to be afraid of someone, like him. But people have no idea who he really is.

The door slowly opens, pouring the light in my dark dungeon. After the temporary blindness is gone, I can see a dark figure standing over me. His red eye is drowning in my soul and it brings creepy grin on my lips.

"Tobi wants to know, who you are." His voice is like kid's. But everything about him tells me that he is far from innocent, little child.

"M-my name is Sakura." I whimper as pronunciation of each word becomes harder for me.

"Oh, Tobi's name is Tobi." He says again and kneels in front of me. I try to smile, knowing that he is an enemy, to whom, I have to act tough. "And now, Tobi will try to kill you." He adds with happy tone and takes his kunai out.

These days are still vivid in my mind. I was one of the first people, to realize who the Tobi was. I knew from the beginning that he wasn't innocent. I knew that he was terrible person, who would back down on nothing. And then, when he revealed himself to be Madara, I could believe it.

"Toby is happy to meet you!" He states and comes a little closer. Then his eye darkens, scaring me even more. "We have missed you, Sakura-Chan! You shouldn't have done, what you did." He states with sinister voice and shakes his head.

"What do you want?" I sneer the words out, scared that he might sniff my fear for him. He chuckles and looks at Sasuke, completely ignoring me, Naruto and Kakashi-Sensei.

"Sasuke, we need to go." He states boldly and appears behind us, tapping his hand on Sasuke's shoulder. I hurriedly turn around, only to be kicked in the face.


When I open my eyes, I am lying on the ground, with Naruto and sensei looking over me. It's only then, when I realize that Tobi has knocked me out. He has done that several times before. Because, he was only person, stronger than me.

"Ne, Sakura-chan... Are you okay?" Naruto asks me with worried tone, but I dismiss it with small smile and nodding. But to be honest, I have never been in a worse state.

"Where... where are they?" I whisper out and look around, scared for my life.

"They have left." Naruto mumbles and looks away from me as if he is ashamed. If someone, it should be me, who felt guilty for what has happened.
If I wasn't scared of Tobi, then I would be able to fight him off. But I couldn't. I couldn't let go of my fears.

"Sakura, are you really okay?" Kakashi approaches me, but he doesn't dare to touch me on the shoulder. I glare at him and nod, not wanting to engage in conversation with him any more than necessary.

"We need to report back." I whisper and struggle to stand up. But I refuse the help from either of them.

Hey 👋🏻
I know it has been too long and I know that it is just wrong not to update for that long. But I really couldn't think of anything to write about. And honestly, I still can't.
So, now I am thinking of rewatching all the episodes of Naruto and hope that some ideas hit me :d
But for now, I hope that you will like the new chapter ☺️

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