( 3 ) lets try to be happy

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hoseok's pov -

i felt a warm beam of light on my face, forcing me to wake up. i opened my eyes, blinded by the light coming in from the gigantic glass windows.

i rubbed my eyes tiredly and checked the time,

i yawned and forced myself off the couch to the kitchen. i walked over to the fridge and opened it to see that there was almost no food inside except beer, peanut butter, and eggs.

i guess we're having beer and eggs for breakfast.

i rummaged around the kitchen for a skillet and seasoning as i started to cook up the eggs. i cracked open a beer and drank it while i waited for the eggs to finish.

when i finished making the scrambled eggs, i took out two plates and started eating my share.
when i was done eating, yoongi still wasn't up yet so i washed my dish and put his plate inside the fridge and sat back onto the couch with my beer.

i decided to return back everything i stole, since most of the stuff in his house was in my truck.
after another two hours of labor, carrying in all the items i stole — yoongi still wasn't awake.

i opened the door to his bedroom where he was still sleeping in the same position i left him last night.

oh my god is he dead??? i quickly ran to his side and checked for his pulse— it was there.

i sighed with relief and looked down at the hand i was holding, he had long slender veiny fingers with nice clean manicured nails.

fuck... i'm being weird again.

i held his hand gently as i looked over his forearm, running my fingers along his scars again. i sighed to myself, feeling the need to cry over this stranger i didn't even know.

he must've felt my hands because he suddenly flinched and slowly opened his eyes. he looked down at the hand i was holding and i immediately let go of him, standing up suddenly to act casual.

"uugghh everything hurts."

i chuckled and said, "well you almost died so—"

"then why didn't you let me."
i stopped pacing nervously and turned around to face him.

"it wasn't your problem to fix and the fact that you're still here is annoying me. how'd you even manage to keep me alive? you don't seem like a doctor... because if you were, you probably wouldn't have been robbing me."

"i didn't save you, my friend did. we took you to a hospital." he suddenly jolted up in bed and started to wince in pain at the quick movement.

"w-what do y-y-you mean you t-took me to a h-hospital??"

"we snuck you in, and my friend— who is a doctor by the way— saved your life."

yoongi laid back down in bed and turned on his side to not face me. i walked over to him and said, "i made scrambled eggs, you should eat."

he suddenly turned around and looked up at me, "can you leave please? i don't need anyone to make sure i'm okay or anyone to care about me. whatever you think you're doing right now is completely pointless."

i smiled down at him and grabbed ahold of his hand, completely ignoring everything he had said, "i also cleaned up your bathroom and returned all the stuff i wanted to steal. if you don't get up then i guess i'll have to come in and spoon feed you."

he groaned in annoyance and pulled the covers over his head while i walked out to get the food i made for him.

i came back with the plate in my hand with some water, but he was no longer in the bed.

breaking and entering ⚣ yoonseok / sopeWhere stories live. Discover now