( 16 ) don't cry anymore baby, i'm here.

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present day :
yoongi's pov —

i was no longer dreaming as i woke up clutching my chest in pain, feeling an unbearable pain reside in my chest.

painful sobs echoed throughout the room as i cried my heart out onto my sleeves. memories of namjoon flooded my head as i reached over at the picture frame with us in it together.

i gripped the frame so tightly, my knuckles turned white. the glass on top of the photograph cracked into tiny pieces, stabbing into the skin on my hands.

i threw the frame angrily at the wall, the frame breaking in half as glass flew everywhere.

hoseok burst into the room a few seconds later, probably hearing the loud crash i had made. he immediately rushed over to me and pulled me into his chest, embracing me in his arms. i cried heavily into his chest, feeling my tears soak into his clean white shirt.

i breathed in shaky breaths, inhaling his familiar scent. "i-i miss him s-so much."

hoseok stroked my head, running his fingers through my hair. "i know you do, but don't cry anymore baby, i'm here." he lifted my chin up and forced me to stare into his eyes.

i probably looked so ugly, with my snot running down onto my lips, dark eye bags underneath my plain eyes, with tear streaked cheeks. but he kissed me nonetheless, wiping my tears away gently. i rested my head on his shoulder as he pulled me back in again.

he hummed a quiet lullaby— his soothing voice helping me calm down. blood was dripping from my hand onto his clean white shirt but i couldn't even feel it.

"h-hoseok, your shirt is..."

he glanced down at my hand and winced in pain. "it's okay.. let's get you taken care of first." he picked me up and carried me on his chest to the bathroom, careful not to step on any pieces of broken glass on the floor.

he set me down on the bathroom counter as he rummaged through the bathroom closet for the first aid kit. he came back and caressed my hand gently in his palm, giving me a quick kiss on my nose.

"this is gonna hurt a lot baby.." i nodded, not quite paying attention to his words.

i sat still as he used tweezers to pick out broken pieces of glass in the palm of my hands. hoseok kissed my forehead gently, quietly whispering, "almost done okay?" i nodded again and held up my hand so he could wrap it in bandages.

he carefully finished and kissed the back of my hand even gentler, "all better."

i leaned into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist; i lingered onto his words thinking, is everything better?

his voice broke my thoughts, "i'll make you peanut butter pancakes, let's go." he poked my cheek gently and smiled, trying to get me to react.

it worked because my face blushed as i hid it back into his shoulder. "okay.."

he chuckled softly and held my face in his hands, "there's that smile.." he picked me up onto his back, giving me a piggy-back ride to the kitchen.

he set me down atop the kitchen counter, getting out ingredients to make pancakes beside me. i picked up the jar of peanut butter and opened the lid; my hands hurt but i couldn't feel anything.

hoseok quickly rushed over and gently took the jar away from me. "hey hey hey, don't start eating before i make your favorite pancakes!!"

i forced a smile on my face seeing his joking laughter because i knew he was trying his hardest to make me smile, but i just didn't feel good at all. just smelling the nostalgic scent of peanut butter was enough to make me want to burst into tears again.

warm tears started to rush down my face as choked sobs escaped my throat. "i-i'm sorry i'm s-so—" i couldn't even finish my downgrading sentence as i covered my face in my hands and cried.

hoseok wrapped his arms around me and just silently held me as i cried. hoseok stroked my hair and rubbed my back, as i sat now breathing softly on his chest.

i don't know how long it was but, we stayed that way for a long time and eventually i calmed down again. the feeling of being protected in someone's arms and his soothing words and touch made me drift off to sleep.

hoseok's pov —

i felt my legs go completely numb standing in one place for so long but i didn't care.

i rubbed yoongi's back and stroked his hair, eventually seeing him drift off to sleep in front of me. "sleep well baby."

i carefully picked him up, careful to slip my arms underneath him and not wake him. i carried him to his bedroom and tucked him in gently.

i sighed in adoration at the sight of seeing him asleep, "everything will be okay baby. i hope you don't have anymore bad dreams." i kissed him softly on his neck and everywhere on his face. i walked out and closed the door quietly, heading to the kitchen to finish making peanut butter pancakes.

・゚: *・゚:* ・゚: *・゚:* ・゚: *・゚:* ・゚:*・゚: *

lemme explain just a little bit about this chapter bc i feel like not everything is completely clear :

so basically in this chapter, 'today' was the anniversary of namjoon's death and even though yoongi has told hoseok about namjoon's death ( it's not exactly in any of the chapters lol it's just implied— bc yoongi has told hoseok everything that led him to his "almost-suicide" and namjoon was one of those reasons ), but yoongi held in the exact date subconsciously because he was scared somehow ( he wasn't scared to tell hoseok, he was just scared to talk ). but hoseok's smart ass figured out what happened and why yoongi was acting the way he was.

hope that kinda explains the last few chapters a bit better 😭. also next chapter won't be sad hopefully idk, but it'll take place a whilllleeee after this.

~ V 💫

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