( 15 ) suicide letter

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7 years ago :
yoongi's pov ~

i'll catch him in time..

i tapped my foot impatiently, unable to stand still as i waited for my destination to arrive.
i had sprinted from the hotel to the nearest subway and had hopped on the nearest train.

i pulled out my phone and dialed his number again and again but there was still no answer. the familiar sound of his voice through the pre-recorded voicemail was starting to irritate me.

i grunted in frustration, dialing his number for the millionth time. after many failed calls, i saw the train nearing to a stop.

when the doors opened, i pushed my way through the crowd to exit first. i didn't stop sprinting until i passed straight through the doors of the airport.

i looked around frantically in search of namjoon around the terminal. fuck fuck fuck... what gate did he say he was going to... i looked up at a monitor, and scanned for flights heading to the US.

as soon as my eyes landed on what i thought might be namjoon's gate, i ran sneaking straight past security and sprinted as fast as i could to hopefully catch namjoon.

( a/n : this may not have happened irl so just pretend yoongi's smol ass ran through somehow lol )

i glanced down worriedly at my watch, fuck, i have 40 minutes before his flight takes off.. i sprinted even faster, running as fast as i could even though i could feel my chest burning and my lungs starting to give out.

i was about to sprint up the escalator when i saw a tall familiar grey haired boy. i cupped my hands together, and yelled with few molecules of air left in my lungs, "namjoon!!"

everyone on the escalator turned around in alarm, but the boy froze in place at the top of the escalator. i sprinted up and ran towards the boy.

i grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him to face me.

namjoon's face was pale and sunken in, with even darker eye bags surrounding his once beautiful brown eyes.

completely out of breath, i made out a breathy, "what the hell?? you were just gonna leave without saying goodbye??" namjoon avoided eye contact with me and pushed my hands off his shoulders. he didn't answer me as he started to walk away.

"hey!! don't walk away when i'm talking, fucking answer me!" namjoon stopped and turned to face me with teary eyes. "i'm s-sorry."

i couldn't understand why he was crying, when i had went through hell to find him. i walked towards him and slapped him harshly across the face. "you're sorry? sorry for what?? i haven't seen you in 4 long fucking years and you wanted to leave without a simple goodbye and you're saying sorry??" the side of namjoon's face was starting to turn red as he wrapped his arms around me.

"i'm sorry."

i pushed him off of me and forced him to look into my eyes. "like hell you are," tears threatened to fall from my glassy eyes as i glared at him, "you think saying sorry's gonna fix the hell you've put me through? you've made absolutely no effort to say you're sorry, and now you've said it more than i've heard it for the past 4 years. saying sorry doesn't fix those all those missed calls. saying sorry doesn't fix those unanswered messages. saying sorry doesn't fix your absence, saying sorry doesn't fix you leaving—"

and i was crying now. tears were falling so fast down my face that i could barely choke out another word.

"j-just say you don't care about me you asshole. just leave, and don't ever come back." i was crying so hard now and so was namjoon, but he crouched down beside me and tucked something into my jacket pocket. he cupped my face in his hands and forced me to look at him through blurry teary eyes.

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