( 6 ) baby

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hoseok's pov —

lately things had started to feel alright again.

yoongi didn't despise me anymore and felt comforted that i was around. i wasn't perfect though, because he still didn't trust me enough to tell me anything about his life.

even though i tried to make him laugh and be happy, i sometimes caught him staring aimlessly out the window or blank out when i'm talking. it seemed obvious that there was always going to be something that he wouldn't tell me.

one morning when yoongi wasn't awake yet, i decided to go snooping around in his closet. since yoongi wouldn't tell me anything about his past or anything that would give me a clue about what led to his almost-suicide, i would find out for myself.

i climbed out of bed, cautious not to wake him up, and walked into his closet to put on a shirt. i opened some drawers curiously, when all of a sudden i opened a drawer that was filled with bras.

there was a huge selection of lingerie in the drawer, are these... yoongi's? i thought, but then i saw upon further inspection that they all fit a d-cup.

wait— didn't yoongi say he didn't live alone?? oh my god did he get out of a divorce and that's why he wanted to ki—

"hoseok...? what are you doing?"

i yelped loudly and turned around to see yoongi staring at me by the doorway with his hair messy from sleep. he grabbed the bra i was holding and tossed it back into the drawer lazily, "look, don't worry about that okay? can we just go back to sleep? it's so early."

i was still slightly shaken when yoongi had scared me but nodded and followed him back to bed. i laid back under the covers, as yoongi cuddled up next to me.

he always seemed cold, so he was constantly huddling up to me for warmth. "are you asleep yet..?"

"i am now." i looked down at him to see him fluttering his eyes open, letting out a quiet yawn.

"um.. so, uh... who's um, who's lingerie—" he groaned, and sighed, hesitant to answer me. "i told you not to worry about it."

"yea i know but—"

"ugh fine, it was my mom's. there, you happy?"

i breathed a sigh of relief when i realized that he didn't have a wife or girlfriend on vacation waiting to come home to yoongi or something. "wait so that wasn't like your ex wife's or girlfriend's?" 

"no... i've never even dated anyone."

"no way, really?" he turned and looked up at me, nodding. hmm...

"so you're a virgin too?"
he started hitting me, trying to cover his flushed face but i laughed and covered myself with a pillow.

when he stopped trying to hit me, i tossed the pillow and pulled him towards me. when he had calmed down, i whispered in his ear, "i'm just kidding baby, go back to sleep..."

"w-why do you k-keep calling me baby? it's weird."

"why not? do you not like it?" he didn't answer but turned away and pulled the covers over his head.

"i don't know, you resemble someone i used to know."

i heard him mumble a 'who?' under the blanket.

i laughed nervously and said, "when i was little, i found this stray cat— and it kinda looks like you. i don't know why but it didn't grow and it always stayed little like this small baby kitten."

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