Chapter 11

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A/N Hey! This chapter has been so hard to write, but it's so right! So, I've had ideas for a possible two more books after this. Would you like that? Comment and tell me what you think I should do. Feel free to inbox me with any ideas on where the story should go! Enjoy this chapter!


Outside it was dark. When I say dark, I mean dark. Imagine a night in a normal town, then take away the light coming from houses, and double the distance between street lights, then that's dark. It was probably because Morganville was so far from everywhere else, there is no light pollution from surrounding towns.

I shouldn't find a dark town creepy, especially not now, but for some reason, I did.

I could make out shapes moving fast through the cold darkness. Vampires.

I made my way to Founder's Square, and had a walk around, although I did nothing. I didn't feel as if I fitted in there. I still didn't feel like one of them. It didn't feel right.

I pulled my gaping hood up, and kept walking. I hadn't aimed to, but infound Amelie, just coming out of a vamp restaurant.

'Elizabeth, what are you doing out?' Amelie asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, and turned to keep walking. I didn't want to have to talk to her again.

Amelie grabbed my wrist. 'I know you don't want to be around Michael, but it's not safe.' She said. She sighed. 'If you're desperate for somewhere, I'll take you there.' She said.

I nodded, I needed somewhere to go where I wouldn't have to be around Michael.

We walked to the underground parking underneath Founder's Square.

Amelie stepped into her car where he guard was waiting, and I stepped in after her.

'You shouldn't be out.' Amelie said once the car had started moving. 'Anyone could've seen you.'

I looked out of the window. It was vamp-tinted, but I could see out of it fully.

'No-one knows. They'll know by the morning, but it didn't want them to know today.' She said.

The car slowed to a stop and Amelie opened her door. I opened mine and got out.

We were outside a large house, which looked just like Michael's.

Amelie didn't walk towards that house, she walked the opposite way, towards an unlit alley. I followed her.

The alley was narrow, with no street lights. On either side there were mis-matched wooden fences, rotting and leaning inwards, sprained with their aged. The wood was weathered and silver. Trees reached their branches above us. Some were dead and dried by the sun, just long skeletons crowding over the alley.

We came to a hut. It was in as bad shape as the fences surrounding it: falling down, and it seemed to be just leaning together instead of being held into place.

Amelie opened the door, and the moonlight reflected off of dust flowing out. All that was inside was a set of stairs leaning downwards, and piles of books. Books scattered around the floor. Books, everywhere. This was my kind of place!

'Myrnin?' Amelie said, making her way down the stairs with me following.

There was a light on downstairs, it was dim. There was a man sat in a chair, reading a leather bound book. Not just reading, it was like he was studying it. Like he was digesting every single word. He placed his finger on the page and looked up.

'Ah, Amelie!' Myrnin said, in a voice that had a slight hint of an English accent.

'Myrnin, I've got you another helper.' Amelie talked to him patronisingly. 'Her name's Elizabeth.' She said.

'Ah, thank you, Amelie.' He said.

Amelie turned around and went upstairs, leaving me alone with Myrnin.

'Hi.' I said and smiled.

'You're English?' He said. 'I like England. It was such a... Calm place.'

I smiled.

'I know.' He said, and mimed fangs in his neck.

'At least you understand.' I said.

Myrnin smiled. 'Anyway, work, work, work.' He said, standing up and placing his book on his chair. He walked over to a corner in the room. 'Could you tidy? Just start here.' He said.

In any other circumstances I would have refused, but I couldn't say no to him. I couldn't. 'Sure.' I said.

I began to stack books back up, and time went fast. Soon, I could see a high wooden table.

There was a lot of broken glass. Luckily I found a small brush I could use to clear it away.

As I cleaned more, I found that it wasn't a table at all. It was a piano.

'You have a piano?' I said, turning around to Myrnin.

Myrnin looked up from his book. 'Oh, so I do! I remember that!' He said, and ran over.

'Can you play?' I asked him.

'I used to be able to.' He said.

I opened the piano. The keys were yellowing but it wasn't in a bad condition. I pressed a C key. It seemed to be only just out of tune.

'Quite good.' I said without knowing.

'What?' Myrnin said.

'The piano. It's good.'

'You play?'

'Yeah.' I felt embarrassed about admitting it.

I pulled a chair up, and began to play a piece that I had learned a while ago. I only made a few mistakes.

I stood up and Myrnin was looking at me and smiling. He sat down, and I pulled a chair up to sit next to him. He began playing a piece I hadn't heard before. It was soft, and had a lot of feeling behind it. It was simple, but it seemed like it meant so much. The steady rhythm behind it was almost mesmerising. The piece finished and Myrnin turned to me.

His eyes looked so soft. They weren't a vampires eyes, they were eyes with life behind them.

He leaned towards me and kissed me. And he meant it. And, god, it felt good.

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