It Was Like The First Time, But Better

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Winter Break. Grand Central Station. New York.


I had no idea what was wrong with me. I was going to see Annabeth for the first time in three months, and I was nervous. It was pretty warm for New York, especially because it was winter. What seemed like thousands of people rushed past me, occasionally pushing me out of the way in their hurry, but I was used to it.

I searched for a curly blonde in the crowd. There were blonds, but no curls. Curls, but no blonds. After a while, I got seriously frustrated, but it had only been five minutes. Darn ADHD.

Just when I thought she might be wearing her invisibility cap, I saw her. I guess a couple months changes you, because she looked more beautiful than ever. Annabeth still hasn't spotted me yet, and it would have been useless to yell out her name. I tried when she got a little closer, but I couldn't even hear myself. She was ten yards away, and that's when my heart started racing.

Apparently, guys don't care how they look, but today, I did. I felt like it had become suddenly way too hot, but then, my hands broke out in a cold sweat, like my body was confused. Annabeth looked down for a split second, and then I took the chance. My feet raced towards her, squeezing through suitcases and backpacks. I almost ran into this little girl, but I never thought twice about it. I only thought about how, in five seconds, my girlfriend would be in my arms, exactly where she belonged.



As soon as I stepped off onto solid ground, I breathed out for the first time in what seemed like days. There were TONS of spiders where I sat, and there was barely any standing room left.

So anyways, I called Percy yesterday to tell him the terminal number and when I would arrive, and from the moment I hung up, I couldn't stop thinking about how I would be seeing my boyfriend the very next day.

My suitcase trailed behind me as I walked, or more like inched my way down the packed hall. It would be useless to look for Percy now. I mean, I could pick him out of thousands of guys with no problem, but seriously, this was New York. Girls look like freakin' MEN here!

I was forced to look at the bunch of feet surrounding my own, hoping Percy was looking for me. If I was right, which I always am by the way, he is feeling the same way as I have been. Should I go into that? I don't think so.


I heard faintly, and I thought I was imagining it. I looked around me and didn't see my dream guy, so I continued to examine my shoes.

"Wise Girl!"

I looked up, and all of the smelly bodies around me disappeared. It was only he and I. Percy was walking towards me, and I was smiling like an idiot. It reminded me of when Chirion first told me to take care of a knocked out half-blood in the Big House. I never knew he would be my boyfriend in four years and having a real relationship would be so difficult, especially a long distance one. It (relationships) seemed so easy. This was the only thing I've ever been wrong about, and that's really saying something.

His hair was messed up, like always, but his goofy smile wasn't there. I thought that maybe I looked bad from traveling, so I faded my own crazy grin. He stopped short, just about a foot and a half away from me, and the people around us returned.

I only stared at his eyes. My own felt like they were tearing up, but I didn't hide it. I don't need to hide from Percy.

"Hey," he said, my heart racing from just that one word.

"Hi," I responded, and my voice sounded far away, not my own.

"I missed you."

"Yeah, I heard," I told him, and gave him my signature smirk.

He grinned back. It was almost like I was dreaming, minus all the cold, of course. And bystanders. Add some hugging, maybe a kiss or two, and this would be perfect. I wondered why he hadn't done it yet. As soon as I thought that, his lips were right next to mine, and I panicked.

"What else have you heard?"

A lady's voice boomed over the loud speaker, and I would tell you what she said if I hadn't been occupied at that moment. His fingertips brushed my cheek, and I realized that I had to look up at him just to meet his gaze.

"I've heard that you're a hero."

I stood up on my toes to kiss him, but he turned away and pretty much shoved his face in my hair.

"Does my breath smell that bad?" I joked, but I buried my eyes in his chest anyways.

He smelled like the sea as he pulled me closer, and carefully placed his hands on my back, like he was protecting me. I could feel his fingers through my jacket.

"We're in public."

I pulled away, examining his wind-blown hair, and nodded. He took my suitcase and led me through the crowds, never letting go of my hand. A lot of older people looked at us, most of them grunting disapprovingly, a few nodding at Percy. I could only guess that those few were approving him, but I really had no idea.

"So, Seaweed Brain," I started, taking my free hand and wrapping it around the arm my other hand was practically attached to.

He smiled at the nickname I had made up years ago.

"Why did you ask that question?"

His smile faded, and he studied his shoes.

"I told you already." He looked at me, and I immediately felt guilty for asking.

"Sorry," I told him softly, and Percy just squeezed my hand.

"Later?" he asked, referring to telling me the real answer to the question.

"Okay," was all I could say, because I was getting lost in his eyes like I often did.

Except this time, I’m having a hard time digging myself out. And this time, I could just keep staring, totally fine with him knowing that I was. It reminded me of the first time I kissed him, under Mount Saint Helens. The only difference between now and then was that I haven't kissed him yet, and even though that I haven't, this was way better than then.

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