Bob the Builder

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:O AN UPDATE?! *GASP* I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN WEEKS! so sorry for the wait... dealing with writers block, school... boy problems *shivers* but I'm back! and yeah, changed my username. likey?

When Percy came home from Camp, he didn't expect Annabeth to be on the couch. She was usually in the bedroom sketching buildings or at least in on the computer researching, but that day she was just sitting on the couch with her legs tucked under her and her hand propping her head up, staring into the blank TV.

"Beth?" he said, dropping his duffle bag by the door and shutting it before he went to her. "Is everything okay?"

She didn't respond at first, which freaked him out a little bit. "Yeah," she muttered, a little shakily, and grabbed a pillow, hugging it to her chest.

"Were you throwing up again?" Percy asked, putting his arm around her shoulders. She only scooted closer, leaning against his neck. "What's going on?"

"I went to the doctor," she started, "And... Percy, I need to tell you something."

It sounded pretty bad, but Percy glanced at the ring encircling Annabeth's finger and nodded. He knew that when anyone says I have to tell you something it was some pretty big news. "Sure."

 "They told me... um... they said I'm... I'm..."

"Pregnant?" he finished for her, and tilted her face towards his. The word felt weird to say. "Really?"

"Yeah," she breathed out. "But I don't know what to do. I don't think we have enough money to pay for all the doctor appointments and the bills. I don't know if I'm ready for this."

Percy felt majorly overwhelmed. This was definitely not what he was expecting to come home to. But it wasn't that he was mad or anything. Just... shocked.

"So... what do you need?"

"Nothing for right now."


"I think I need to lay down..."

"Do you need me to carry you or something?"

Annabeth laughed and stood up, her face lighting up the whole room. "I'm not weak, Seaweed Brain. I can walk to the bedroom."

"I know," he said, and stood next to her, pulling her closer. "It'll be okay."

"Do we have to move?" she asked. "Will there be enough room?"

Percy loved how she didn't even consider giving the baby up. It didn't matter that they were or weren't ready for him or her - it was their responsibility. Their DNA. Percy decided in that second that he would protect his child with his life, even though it wasn't really even a choice. It was the only option.

Percy looked around at their small apartment just below his mom's. There was a guest bedroom, their bedroom, and the living room was pretty much connected with the kitchen. Small, humble, and everything Percy wanted when they first saw the place.

"Yeah, I guess," he concluded, and looked down at his wife. His wife. It almost didn't seem real. "We can do this."

"Reminds me of Bob the Builder," she said, laughing again. "Can we fix it?!" she sang.

"Yes we can!"

AHHH IT'S SO SHORT.. well, a lot of them are going to be short, so PLEASE don't get your hopes up. and 10,000+ reads! how'd that happen?! so THANK YOU GUYS so much and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! *sigh* so AMAZING

so here's my new Tumblr

ask me a question? questions, anyone? haha rhymes a litte :D

listened to "I Knew You Were Trouble," Taylor Swift

if Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner had gotten married they both would have been Taylor Lautner. LOL

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