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hmmmm let's see, who have i not done a chat room on.... back to some percabeth? YES

Percy and Annabeth chat room.

P: hey

A: hi

P: r u ok?

A: mm been better. y?

P: u looked depressed when u were teaching the little kids archery

A: oh

P: whats wrong?

A: my dad

P: gods. is it me?

A: he says that you arent a good influence, which is stupid, cuz its true

P: wait what?

A: nvm so i said well u cant tell me what to do when im in new york

P: and he said yay have fun?

A: seaweed brain let me finish. so he said then i'm going to have to send you home early

P: WHAT?! nooooo

A: my words exactly

P: so r u going home?

A: I dont think so

P: thats good

A: hey howd u get the ring?

P: oh... tyson

A: he made it?

P: yeah.. sry i couldnt afford a real one

A: percy this IS a real one cuz its from u

P: <3

A: <3 :D

P: O.O

A: oh shut up

LOL annabeth is being da SEXAYY :D tell me who you want to be in the next chat room! gettin' a lil' low in ideas.. at least i'm not drowning in them! da dum CHH! i love cracking myself up... awkward

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