Goodnight Kisses

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well... this just came to me, like, a second ago. its very sad. you'll figure it out. *tear*

She was a careful person, someone who thought things through. The only exception was when she was in combat and she had to make a spit second decision. There were tons of other exceptions, too, but she could not think of any as her boyfriend inched his way closer, his hand at her waist and all of her fingers pulling his head closer.

Their lips finally met, its meaning very clear to both of them - I love you. Only he had said it before. It was brief sentence, consisting of three little words with huge meanings. She was scared to tell him what she really felt, but as she pulled him closer, their mouths opening just the slightest bit, she was not thinking of what she had to tell him, or of the monsters out to get them, or how winter break would end all too soon. She was only thinking PercyPercyPercy to the beat of her heart.

They reluctantly pulled away, the reason only because they needed a breath.

"Goodnight kisses are my favorite," he told her, and leaned down again to rub his nose against hers.

That's when the feeling of dread came. It stabbed her heart with searing cold that erupted inside her, coursing through her veins and whatnot. She silently wondered if he was feeling the same thing.


"I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed her again, brief and warm, but he never left. He just stayed there, as if he couldn't leave her like this. The air seemed to be filled with nothing, like something else needed to be said, and the girl knew exactly what.

"Okay," was all she said, agreeing with him. But tomorrow seemed too far away, and the chill seeped into her skin again, making her shiver as if it were real.

"Cold, Wise Girl?" he asked, and even though it sounded like an inside joke, a teaser, he did not laugh, and neither did she.

"I don't... Percy, I lo-" but she couldn't finish her sentence. She could not say the three little words with huge meanings, no matter how hard she tried. The syllables stuck to her tongue, clinging to it, protesting against her will.

"It's okay, Beth," he assured her, and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, although it had already been tucked there almost an hour before. "It's okay."

They parted without another word, her watching his figure start to blend into the shadows and him wondering why he felt so weird tonight. He reached his cabin, resting his hand on the doorknob, but first raised his hand as a final goodbye. She felt like she should be remembering this moment, and only then realized as she lifted her hand that she was fingering the beads on her necklace, a nervous habit.

His door shut tight long before hers did, and when she was eventually wrapped up in her blankets, listening to soft snores and fabric rustling, the chill was running up and down her spine again, clinging to her like those words still were.

and in her dreams, she thought:
PercyPercyPercy, Please, No, Stay with me.

I love you.

well *tear* this was *sob* before the lost hero *sniffle* I DIDN'T WANT TO WRITE IT BUT I WANTED YOU GUYS TO READ IT!!! *buries face in hands*

I guess my dad was reading this over my shoulder as I typed this out, and he said that I shouldn't be writing about this stuff because (cue generic guy voice) "you haven't experienced this kind of thing yet" and i was SO CLOSE to saying "um yes I have" but I didn't... today has been full of stupid people and frustration :P

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