Lover Boy

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I havent done a clyde chapter in... FOREVER!! ItsOrbit mentioned this idea somewhere along the way... idk where tho!


One thing about Percy was that he was quite a lover boy.

Everyday after training, he was with Annabeth. Every time his was with Annabeth, they held hands, making all the little kids scream "COOTIES!!" Every time they were alone - scratch that, when they thought they were alone - they would share small kisses and soft conversations. Every time, it was him and Annabeth. It was a whole cycle, and now that we had graduated, I knew exactly what he was going to do.

Last week, just hanging out in our cabin, I brought it up.

"So what are you doing for college?" I had asked, and he shrugged.

"I got into a community college in the city, so I'm going there. There isn't much choice, you know?"

"Yeah," I agreed, and continued to polish my knife. "But what about... after?"

His eyes lit up at that. "I think I have a plan. But I'm only turning nineteen."

I nodded, not really understanding what he meant. Then it occurred to me. "Whoa, hold up there. Are you?"

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" he laughed. "But yeah, later." He was grinning like he never had before, and I knew he was happy. I smiled with him, thinking about Annabeth Chase becoming Annabeth Jackson.

""But when's later?" I pushed on, and leaned forward a little with anticipation. "Like after you're done with school?

"I don't know, when everything settles down, I guess." He leaned back onto his bed, his hands behind his head. "It's just that everyone says that we're good together, and I know we're still young, but demigod chances of surviving are kind of slim. I mean, yeah, the odds of dying are becoming smaller and smaller, but that's only because we're starting to train younger demigods. After college, you're on your own, and starting a family... gods, there would be so much godly stink, the monster attacks would never stop."

"True that," I said, and hadn't stopped smiling about him and Annabeth.

"Maybe I could live at Camp Jupiter or something. It's safer, plus you can pretty much do everything there."

"I think I'm going to college there," I admitted. "I couldn't get into anywhere else."

"That's good."


"Annabeth's going to Harvard."

"That's amazing!"

"I know, right!"

There was a pause, but not the uncomfortable kind. It made me sink into the moment more.

"So... how's it going between you and that Aphrodite girl?"

I smiled more at Ashley's name. She was like Piper, maybe a little more girly, and a rebel. She was really cool, to say the least, and actually understood me instead of judging me. "It's awesome. It's really awesome."

"Are you together yet?" Percy hadn't turned towards me, so he couldn't see my face turn bright red

"I didn't actually ask her..."

"So what's holding you back? It's not like you didn't ask girls out left and right at Goode." Good point, I thought.

"I dunno," I said, and shrugged. "It's different."

"That's a good thing," Percy offered. "C'mon, lover boy." He stood, arching his back in a stretch. "Let's go talk to her."

"Um, no." I said, and shook my head. "No way in Hades am I asking her. We're going off to college, and she's going to NYU. I can't handle long distance relationships."

He rolled his eyes. "How do you think I put up with mine?"

"Oh yeah. Iris messaging, right?"

"No duh."

I snorted, not fully registering what I was doing, and stood next to my half brother. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

"That's my lil' bro!" he said, and draped an arm around my shoulders, messing up my hair.

"Only by a few months," I muttered, but he pretended not to hear me as we walked out of our cabin.


By the end of the day, I had the most awesome girlfriend ever, though I'm sure Percy would beg to differ.

I also knew my half brother's plans for his future.

And I couldn't help but think that the name 'Annabeth Jackson' fit Annabeth herself very well.

Quick chapter... sorry :(


haha... i gave it away... oops :D

listened to: Inevitable by Amberlin..
gods, i listen to old songs. OH WELL. DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE?? well i guess i do since im mentioning it... hm..

Because I CareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang