When Skies are Grey

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Erm.. if Percy proposed to Annabeth in... lets say spring, then it's a year and half later here. Sorry I haven't been updating :( A GIRL'S GOT OTHER STUFF TO DO! wait... just.. but... AHH whatever :P

After Annabeth and Percy graduated, her at the top of her class, him at almost the bottom, she moved into his apartment, nervous about what it would be like to exist next to the messiest man on Earth in such tight quarters. Somehow it seemed like a good idea, with them getting married soon. So while taking a break from unpacking her clothes, she decided that she would check up on Percy, who was doing who know what in the living room.

"Percy?" she called as she walked into the room, knowing fully aware that he was there, but saying his name anyways. "Percy, what're you doing?"

"I'm tired," he stated simply, and she turned around the corner to see him sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch.

Annabeth sighed. "And you couldn't sit on the couch? You're such a Seaweed Brain," she muttered, crossing her arms. Then she added, louder so that he could hear, "Don't you have something to do?"

"Um..." he said, thinking, "I already trained at Camp, Jason's with Piper somewhere, Nico's doing whatever, Frank, Leo, and Hazel are... sorting things out, so that just leaves sitting here while you do your thing."



She leaned against the door frame, watching as he closed his eyes, watching his chest rise and fall.

He suddenly moved, turning to look at her. "Are you okay?" he asked, and she looked behind him and out the window, where is was pouring rain, the droplets quietly pattering against the glass. She wondered why Zeus was so angry, or if it was possible that he was sad. Thunder rumbled far away.

"Fine," she said, but knew he wouldn't take that for an answer. "Tired, I guess."

He held his arms out to her, and she crouched to sit on the carpeted floor next to him. His arms were wrapped around her shoulders in an instant, and Annabeth snuggled into his chest.

She didn't know how long they were sitting there, but she was okay with staying there forever. That was why she was marrying him.

She closed her eyes at one point, thinking about how they were getting married and it just didn't seem like it was really happening. Yes, she wanted to be with him, but putting the MARRIED label on their relationship was weird. And just as she was thinking about their label, Percy started mumbling something.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine."

 Annabeth opened her eyes, and outside the window it was still raining, the grey clouds looking like they were holding up the sky. Ironic, she thought.

Percy began to sing, now, slow and in a whisper, only for her to hear.

"You make me happy,
When skies are grey."

Annabeth tilted her chin up to look at him, and he leaned away to look at her, too. He smiled, leaning his cheek against her forehead, the stuble rough aaginst her skin. She could feel his jaw move as he sang, his voice low and still quiet.

"You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you..."

He paused, pressing his lips to her temple for several seconds. Annabeth was on the border of sleep and consciousness, but she could hear him very clearly. And no matter how out of tune he was, she never wanted him to stop singing the words from her childhood, where her father would rock her back and forth and hum to settle down for a nap.

"Please don't take
My sunshine away."

Felt like that was a good place to end this chapter... sorry it was short!!

meh, I'm tired of waiting for MoA. IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!!! GAHHHH!!

eh, Percabeth fluff makes me feel better, so... yeah :D

Winter, Joshua Radin. BUT i'm going to put the link for "You Are My Sunshine" up instead :D
and yes, it is a cover, and he DID add some lyrics, but this dude is pretty awesome. go check this out and comment or something because he has no comments (last time i checked) and he's a really good musician (in my opinion because I would never post a video of my playing flute) plus this is kind of my version of Percy singing... JUST LISTEN PLEASE AND YOU'LL GET IT!

edit: ok, i know that some of you guys are a little upset about Percy actually singing, but i DID say he was out of tune, remember? so yes, Percy can sing. HE CAN FICKIN' SING BECAUSE HE IS SERIOUSLY ONE BAMF. IT'S OFFICIAL. (if you don't know what bamf stands for then go to urban dictionary... it should be in there)

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