Told You So!

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NEW COVER!! by *drum roll* Burge on Tumblr! mutters: again..

Annabeth and Percy's Junior year in college. So Percy's... 22. and Annabeth's 21, because I still like it better when she's younger.

STRONG LANGUAGE ALERT, like stronger than "crap" or "damn" ... I can't say anything else... but... OH JUST READ THE THING


"Why won't you believe me?" I asked my roommate, Blaire, as we sat down for lunch at this café. We were taking a break from our classes. Junior year, so far, had been the hardest, with a test almost everyday, projects due every week, and absolutely no time to hang out.

"Because he just so happens to not have a phone," she reasoned, "because he doesn't have time to drive down and visit because it's 'dangerous,' and because, according to you, he saved your life, how many times? It's not possible, Beth." She dropped her bag and began fiddling with a napkin. "He better show up."

"He might be a little late," I admitted, sitting up in the metal chair to scan the sidewalks for a guy with jet black hair, "but he's real."

"Whatever," Clay muttered, snorting a little at the end. She glanced up from murdering her napkin, reminding me of Octavian, and shook her head disapprovingly. Luckily she didn't say anything else.

I sat up in the metal chair, straining my neck to see over pedestrians walking on the side walk. With no jet black heads in sight, I slumped back into the seat, disappointed.

"You know," Clay said, absorbed in her paper shreds, "all of the guys at school would die to have you. But no, because you love your fake boyfriend too much."

"He's not fake!" I said, my voice involuntarily shrill. She rolled her eyes. "You're being ridiculous."

"Me? Pshh... Whoa." Her eyes suddenly became distant and awe-struck, focused on something behind me. "Your five o'clock. Right now. Look, Annabeth, LOOK AT HIM."

I turned, shaking my head, and saw a tall guy, early twenties, walking towards us with his head down. With a hand in his jeans pocket, I knew one of them was fingering his pen, wondering when the next monster would strike. I immediately knew who it was.

"ANNABETH THAT DUDE IS SO FREAKING HOT." She was rapidly slapping my arm with excitement. "Oh my god, he's looking at me! Is he looking at me or you? ANNABETH."

I made a split second decision to mess with her. "I think it's you," I told her, and waved Percy down. "Let's talk to him."

"What? NO! He's too good for me, oh my god, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Hey," I said casually as Percy came up to us, smiling down at me. "Late much?"

He shook his head, sitting in the seat next to me. "You know the traffic's bad."

Blaire's face was priceless. She looked at me, then Percy with her mouth hanging open. "Gosh, Blaire, close your mouth already," I teased, and reached for my boyfriend's hand. "So this is Percy. Percy, this is Blaire."

"No freaking way that is him."

"Better believe it," I smirked, watching as she opened and closed her jaw like a fish struggling for air.

Blaire's face suddenly became straight and focused. "So how much did she pay you, Percy?"

"Excuse me?" he said, raising his eyebrows in shock.

"Well, you're too hot to be anyone's boyfriend, so fess up. You don't really like Annabeth, do you?"

Even I was taken back at Blaire's words. Of course, she didn't know the whole story. I take that back. ALL of the stories. But either way, it hurt that she still didn't believe me. I turned to Percy, who had a very serious and straight face.

"Fine, I don't like Annabeth." My breath caught in my throat, hoping he was kidding. "I love her."

I exhaled, finally, and looked at Clay. "Hm," she hummed. "Prove it."

"Alright then," Percy breathed out, and stood, releasing my hand. "Are you sure?" He seemed to be asking Blaire.

"I dare you," she said, smirking, and Percy nodded slowly, as if nervous.

"Okay then... um, well, Annabeth, I love you. I always have, but, you know, I've always been a Seaweed Brain..." He took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes closed for a second. I was left confused, glancing between a surprised Blaire and a stuttering Percy. "And... uh... you know, I should have prepared for this."

"HA!" Blaire shouted, leaping out of her seat and pointing at Percy accusingly. "Told you he's fake! TOLD YOU SO!" Looking around us, other people were staring at her.

"Blaire, sit down!" I hissed at her, and she obeyed with a smug look. "Percy, what's going on? Are you okay?"

"Uh..." he said. "No, well, yes, but no, I- ah, screw this," he muttered, and dug inside his pocket for a second. "I'm just going to ask, okay?"

"Sure?" I asked, trying to ease the mood with a nervous laugh.

"I really do love you Annabeth," he said, and I saw him find whatever was in his pocket, hiding it in his palm. "I'm serious."

"Oh shit," I heard Blaire say, but I didn't acknowledge her.

"We've... fought, about so many things, against so many... people." He spoke carefully and slowly, and began pushing his chair out of the way. "I want us to stick together. You've always said you wanted something permanent." He got down on one knee, and I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. I don't think I was registering what he was saying yet. "So... uh, will you, you know, marry me?"

He flicked a tiny box open, and I suddenly realized what was going on. I knew the sun was hitting me in the eyes. I knew leaves were slowly falling across the street, landing in a puddle from yesturday's spring rain. I knew everyone around us, people we had never met, never spoke to, watching. I knew Blaire was squeeling with excitement next to me.

I knew I loved Perseus Jackson.


Blaire started screaming "THANK GOD I WAS WRONG" and was flailing her arms around. The crowd patted Percy on the back, murmuring congratulations. It was all a blur.

"Are you sure?" he asked me, still serious, right before he slipped the ring onto my finger. I wasn't as excited as I knew I was supposed to be. Just... shocked. Overwhelmed.


Once I had turned eighteen, Percy had asked for the promise ring back. Maybe he was preparing for this.

"Okay," I said again, and the ring was suddenly on my finger, plain in all it's awesome glory. Reaching for his messy hair, he grabbed my wrist, placing it under his ear instead. I leaned forward, our noses touching, knowing I was supposed to smiling, but not. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He wasn't smiling either, but in his eyes, I saw joy, happiness, triumph. Like when we walked around Mount Olympus together, gathering congratulations for defeating Kronos. Like when Clarisse told everyone at camp that we were together, and we would be holding hands by the lake, letting our friends laugh. Like when we they closed the Doors of Death, when Piper charmspoke Gaea to fall back asleep.

Like now, the world spinning around us, continuing just the same, and us sitting there, soaking up the sunlight.

First demigods, you say? What about the Romans? well DUH they aren't Roman are they?


there isn't much to say, now, is there? ;)

listened to Come Home, OneRepublic... like... >>>>>> listen and it's TOTAL percabeth
But then Chasing Cars applies more to the whole world spining thing. Oh well. <3


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