It's Snowing, Annabeth

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Let's zoom ahead. It's almost Christmas, so Percy's in... Senior year? he's getting old! not the point... not the point...


Winter break was amazing, and I had picked Annabeth up this morning. I didn't know where she was, but I guessed she was with Rachel and Piper catching up.

It was way too cold to be outside, even with the invisible cover thingy Thalia's tree made. Past that in the real city it was snowing like it would never snow again, which made camp a winter wonder land. Inside our cabin, Clyde was laying on his stomach on his bed, polishing his sword, while I looked up at the bottom of Tyson's bunk, staring at the pictures no one would ever see.

Everything was peaceful, accept for the awkward silence in the air. My half brother and I weren't exactly on good terms. I never let him get within ten feet of Annabeth, and I was toughest on him when we trained. No acceptations. He was actually doing pretty well, but I never told him, probably never will.

"Percy." It was like a statement, a fact, and a little spark of irritation fluttered inside me. I turned my head to look at him, and he had made his sword turn into a mini version of it. He was equally good at fighting with a knife and a sword, and I had asked Leo to make him a weapon that could be either.


"I'm kinda... um... sorry." He looked at me, and in his eyes I knew he was telling the truth, even though he had said it kind of awkwardly. I stared back, not sure whether or not to forgive him so easily. He continued, "I've seen you and her together, and I get it now. You've been together, what, two years?"

"Hm," I agree, and went back to the pictures of my friends.

"I didn't think you guys had that kind of relationship. I thought she was too good for you at first..." His voice trailed off.

"It's okay." I said the words through gritted teeth, and I wanted to take them back almost immediately. She was too good for me, but we've been though so much together I think it made up for my lack of smartness.

"We're brothers," he was saying. "I can't steal a brother's girl."

"You finally figured it out," I muttered, and the door opened, letting snowflakes and cold come into the cabin before he could say something about it. The chill bit my cheeks and nose, but the feeling passed as the door slammed shut.

"Oh." It was Annabeth, and I sat up, bumping my head on the top bunk. "Hi." She was looking at Clyde in her jacket, her hands in her pockets and the beanie from when we rescued Nico tilted on her head. Her blond hair tumbled down her shoulders and back. She looked beautiful.

"Hey," Clyde whispered, and he just stared at her. A little anger rose, and I prepared to jump in between the two. He turned to me. "I'll give you guys some privacy." He got his jacket and left, and I watched as he trudged up the hill to wherever.

"Hey, Perce." Annabeth said, and I stared as she took her snow jacket and hat off in one fluid movement, revealing her camp shirt. Wow... "Don't look at me like that." She blushed and hugged her bare arms to herself, her lips pulling into a smile.

I said something like, "Ummm duh." Aren't I intelligent?

She walked to my side and we wrapped our arms around each other. I don't know how long we sat there, but I didn't mind. She rested her head on my shoulder, and I held her waist. Amazing.

She interrupted the silence. "Are you guys okay now?"


"You and Clyde."

"Oh. Yeah, he said sorry." I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek against her forehead. Her curls smelled like lemons, but not like the sour way. It was like lemonade, but... oh, never mind. Anyways, I wanted to stay like this forever - just sitting here, together, no monsters to interrupt up us and no brothers to ruin your day. "Annabeth?" I whispered.

"Hm," she grumbled, and I smirked into her hair.

"I love you."

The words had tumbled out of me without permission, because I was originally just going to say, "nothing" like I often did when I changed my mind about something.

She leaned away from my chest and we stared at each other, just staring. She said nothing. Her eyes did not break their gaze from mine, and I did not resist.

My hand absently reached to her grey streak, the one from holding up the sky, and I tucked it behind her ear. My hand lingered there, slightly curled around her ear, and my palm barely touched her cheek. My arm was getting sore.

She moved closer until our noses were touching, but nether of our eyes were closed just yet. We didn't breathe.

"It's snowing, Annabeth," I whispered, but her eyes didn't seem to register what I had just said. I forgot my random fact as she closed her eyes and leaned in closer.

Her lips were always soft and warm, no matter how cold it was. I guess my eyes slid closed, and we got wrapped up in each others arms again, lost in each other's eyes, and fell into blissful sleep.


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